Chapter 13

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Jopel smiled in content at the amount of divinium that had been siphoned out of Zoael. Dominion physiology was indeed impressive, he thought. Divinium was what made them, the angels, more than the humans and also the secret ingredient for making an empuria. Every rank of angels had a particular amount of Divinium they could hold and regenerate when it was depleted.

What the dominions were planning on doing was to increase their holding capacity of their divinium, thereby making themselves more powerful to be able to carry out their plans for the new world order as the called it.

Jopel had been able to create a machine that was able to drain out the Divinium of an angel, one with great power, and transfer that power to a containing medium, from where it would be transfused into them. At the unset of their plan, they knew Zoael wouldn’t want to be a part of their plan, and so found something better to do with him than killing him, a fate the reserved for the archangel.

So the drained him, with intervals of rest to regenerate enough to begin the process again. Always enough to drain him but not to kill him, not yet. With the amount of Divinium been stored up, they could make their own battalion of angels if the wanted, but there were more pressing matters right now for the four dominions, than solidifying their rule.

Jopel the dominion of north and South America, Baradiel the dominion of China, Suriel the dominion of Europe and Theliel the dominion of Australia and Aquiel the dominion of Africa knew better than leading a rebellion to annex the earth off heavens rule in their current state of power, the needed more and the would get it. That had been Lucifer’s mistake coupled with the fact that he’d staged it to get the ruler ship of the heavens.

Just a couple more days and the first phase of their plan would be ready. They just needed to make sure heaven and hell didn’t find out what was going on in this room, alongside most of the influential angels under their rulership, and that had led to the creation of one of the strongest ward ever made. Once they got the power of Zoeal the dominion of north east Asia coursing through their veins, Uriel would be no match for their combine force.

Jopel couldn’t wait to put the archangel who thought himself perfect and everyone else dirty in his place. If only he wasn’t so uptight, Jopel thought, maybe they would have let him in on their secret and since he loved the solitude so much he would have just had it, all of it if he wanted.

“The other dominions are here.” Baradiel said coming to stand next to Jopel, his unique crystal wings morphing into the color of the room.

“And Ellie, has she arrived yet?” Jopel asked glancing at the other dominion from the corner of his peripheral vision. They needed Zoael’s mate in Mount shell when Uriel arrived for their plan to work. He didn’t trust the woman who was mate to the dominion he imprison, and might kill, but he had made sure she wouldn’t be able to expose whatever she thought she knew, about what he and the other dominion were planning.

Also making her unable to meet with the archangel or any of his minions, by putting a restriction on her and her team once they entered the city with the cover of providing her protection.

“She is here. The whore couldn’t let any harm come to the angel she so claim to love.” Baradiel said, referring to the dominion of northeast Asia, who they all believed was being played by the woman he called mate, while giving her power and the extreme pleasures that came with having an angelic lover.

”You know we could just drain him enough.” Baradiel said, gesturing to the angel he once called friend, on the other side of the heavy duty glass that separated them. “Enough to make him human, if that is possible and hand him over to his so called mate, and then watch what she does.”

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