Chapter 18

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Bonnie drove into the compound which looked lavish and well kept, befitting the archangel she had come to see. An archangel who was able to speak into her mind in a voice not more than a whisper of her own thought, something she suspected he had made it seem that way not to startle her, because it would have been powerful, maybe a little too powerful for her mind to handle, for with the archangel nothing seemed to be set in stone.
As if that wasn’t enough, he had made a star her compass, at first she had thought it was all in her mind, but when Anna Bezxavc had spoken about the bright star in the sky she knew it wasn’t.
She could get use to this, she told herself. Maybe it would take a life time. She could feel Anna’s eyes on Uriel as he made his way toward them from where he stood, shirtless against one of the large pillars that held up the structure and provided for a large terrace in front of the fountain, which held the sculpture of water coming out of an angel’s outstretched palm.
She felt a wave of jealousy toward Anna Bezxavc wanting to more than call her out for gawking at her archangel. She inwardly sighed, he wasn’t her’s and she needed to stop with the possession. Get a grip, she tells herself.
“Was he expecting us?” Anna Bezxavc asked a bear whisper only Bonnie could hear as she brought the car to a stop behind an expensive SUV. The plate number held the word FOUNTAIN.
She hadn’t told Anna Bezxavc about her chat with the archangel and had made up something when she had meant to scuff at what he had said and Anna had given her a suspicious look.
“I don’t know why he does that.”
“Does what?” Bonnie asked turning to look at the man who stood almost at seven feet with just enough muscle that he didn’t look lean, but not to make him look intimidating like most of the angels. She closed her eyes and let out a steady breath.
“Put those beautiful wings in.” Anna said.
“His wings, have you seen them?” Bonnie asked.
“No, but if he is that hot, then I assume it will be the same.” Anna Bezxavc said opening the door and stepping out. Bonnie did the same.
Outside the confines of her car she couldn’t help but notice the slight worried expression on Uriel’s face. Something was wrong; she could feel it, and it didn’t have anything to do with their presence here, not fully.
“Isn’t it quite late for you to be driving so long a journey?” Uriel said to Bonnie, regarded Anna Bezxavc with a nod before turning to her and continuing. “You brought a friend. The raw power of this celestial was enough to send her running and now he was looking as if he wanted to have a taste of . . .
“I am Anna Bezxavc, from Zoael’s court, my lord.” Anna said, bowing.
“You do not have to bow.” Bonnie heard him say to the woman, and she could tell he would appreciate more if she didn’t bow.
Anna straightened. The entire time Bonnie just watched him. But finally gathered herself from her celestial worship. “We have a problem. Two actually.” She announced.
“Come, let us talk inside.” He said and extended his hand for her to go before him, which she did.
10 minutes later, and both Anna and Bonnie had gotten to meet the occupants of the building who were awake, Reuben and Eagle, which Anna Bezxavc had told her were part of Uriel’s inner circle of trusted advisers, and caretakers of his city, although Bonnie could tell they were more than that.
From the look Reuben, the empuria who looked to be in his late thirties but still the oldest in the room from the power he carried within, which she felt, was a smaller mirror image of his maker, and that was saying something about him. Eagle had a boyish charm about him, horned into a lethal edge. Then there was the priest, father Joseph.
Anna was still speaking, when they all felt it. First, a small vibration of the room, then the entire building began to shake. Everyone panicked, Bonnie suspected the dominion’s were either attacking or an earthquake was in session, but when she glanced at Uriel her heart skipped a beat, gone was that innocent look that she usually associated with him, in its place was a rage, the likes she had never seen before, pure, wholesome fury. It wasn’t an earthquake or they dominions, it was him. It was the light and consuming fire of God.
She was experiencing the silent rage of an archangel that wasn’t even lifting a finger and she wouldn’t lie, it was drop dead terrifying.
She found Reuben’s eyes.
“Calm down everyone it will be over soon.” Reuben said.
“What’s wrong with him?” Anna asked understanding what was now going on as to be Uriel’s doing.
“He’s a little bit angry,” Came Reuben’s response.
Bonnie gave him a, you-call-this-a-little, stare. A shiver ran down her spine as the building continued to shake, some of the antiques on the wall were coming off. Reuben didn’t look like the kind of empuria to be sarcastic, even if he wanted to. She didn’t want to see what would happen when this archangel was in full on rage mood.
“Shouldn’t we try stopping him?” Eagle said looking at Reuben. He didn’t seem to share Reuben’s view.
“You remember what happened to Hann when he tried stopping the sire’s rage.” Reuben said in a warning yet cool tone, as if he didn’t care. “He knows we are here and will not hurt us, besides, it should soon be over.”
Bonnie couldn’t help but give Reuben a look that said she didn’t trust he was in a good mental state. Either that, or he had indeed spent so much time with the archangel to know him too well.
This particular Empuria, she could tell was so old it rattled her bones. Bonnie watched true power on fold in front of her and for a moment it felt like her own powers were surging to the surface, as if called out to play. She pleaded with her Valkyrie not to choose this time to reveal itself. Long minutes passed and slowly, everything began settling down. To Bonnie’s surprise everything still seem relatively in place and she couldn’t help the suspicion that whoever built this structure had indeed taken the archangel fully into consideration and it didn’t stop with his taste for furniture or the likes.
“Wow, I wouldn’t want to be Jopel when he finds him.” Eagle whispered in Bonnie’s ears, it was an echo of her own thoughts, of everyone in the room.
“The dominions shall pay!” Uriel roared, and the table seemed to vibrate with the release of energy.
“Uriel, you need to calm down. Jopel isn’t stupid to take you on, which by doing that would release not just the fury of the angels in solitude grace but also the nephilims and the others.”
Bonnie’s eyes widen. She had heard the angels were able to procreate with mortals, and took some of their empuria females as consorts, never had she seen a nephilim before, and the other’s . . .  what was he talking about? Reuben continued, “We need to first hear what Zoael’s mate has to say. Once we can determine that they are indeed holding Zoael. We can go after them.”
“As much as I want to raise hell against the dominions I agree with Reuben.” Eagle said.
“Should we have Judea contact the other Dominions and powers in the solitude realm, or at least Hann and the other Judges, to have their armies ready? We can’t trust the angels on earth not to follow the dominions commands.”
“No, I will handle this here. I have no intention on raising earth to the ground because of some fools.” Uriel said.
Bonnie was lost by now. Nephilims, other creatures, other Dominions, just which realm had this Archangel been in, and how could it be that he believed he could bring about the end of the world.
“Link me up with your mistress, but be careful and don’t go too deep into my mind, or you will get lost in there forever.”
Bonnie noticed Anna gulped. “Yes Archangel.”

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