"You can say that we are giving them what our boss wants, it would seems unfair for you but our boss wants to mantian at least humanity" Chen Xu looked up at the barrier sky and again could't not love that stupid and reckless brat "But they do something for us in exchange, we give a lot of option for these people, but they can't not do nothing."

While they were walking in the main road Yang Yifei saw someone running toward them, it was a boy with brunnet hair and could be a little taller than Ling Song, he was carring a bucket fool of water "Sister Xu!" He Kang waved his hands to the teacher but then froze as he saw the man beside her "Ackk-....is that...that man?" He Kang (the police's little brother) glared at Yang Yifei while looking at him up and down.

"What's up with this kid? is he mental?" Yang Yifei rised an eyebrow while looking down at He Kang.

Chen Xu smiled "Probably, he is one of us. Great timing He Kang, since you are here explain to them what you do as a non gifted."

"...but I was about to cook the fish I just fished..." He Kang looked a little sad but if it was siser Xu who was asking for it then he can't refuse, he still care for his image... it doens't look like it but Chen Xu was the most naughty of the group if she wants to. "Okay then... even if I don't want to...." He kang looked at Yang Yifei one last time and could't resist to despide the man who stole his best friend... the boss did't even mind them that much anymore sich he met this man.

"Hey you!" He Kang stopped a passing man, the man stopped and when he saw that it was He Kang he greated him "Hey boy, long time no see!" A lot of people know He Kang and Kwan Tao (The otaku) since they were mostly the guardians who goes outside to search for people.

"Yupp nice to see that you're doing fine uncle Jing" He Kang handed him the buket with two fishes inside "Take this, I can't carry it around, you can eat this."

The man looked inside and saw two fishes swimming around "Oh Thank you, I'll eat it with my family."

Yang Yifei looked at the scene and found it really strange, why just give fresh fish to someone? the water got polluted by the zombies so finding living fish was really hard ... and the man also didn't looked surprised to receive fish "Do you farm fish?" he asked to the woman.

"mhhh yess something like that" Chen Xu thought of the sky in hell, it's not like they farm them... they reproduce freely by themselves.

"Anyway He Kang explain to them what people do when they enter here." She said as they started to walk again "No wait... do you have a pub too?" Devon interrupted "I need something to drink to take all this."

"Of course, follow me."- Chen Xu.

When they arrived in the pub, Devon was about to cry after seeing a lot of beer and also bottles of alcohol and was about to order but then turned to Chen Xu"I don't have money anymore..."

Chen Xu laughed and waved her hand as not to worry "In your stay here, everything is free, we can't let our guests pay and we don't use money anyway, everyone have a work apart for kids and they receive gems and tickets which they use to buy an amount of things they want." Chen Xu tried to explain the shortess she can cause if she have to explain everyting about what Wu Dong planned, then it would take time, but surprisingly this system works pretty well, they don't have to worry that the people will buy more that they can afford to give a person in a month.

Devon gulped down half a bottle of beer already "So where did you hide all of thise? looks like you won't ever die of hunger."

"Yes, another thing is that we have a dimensional space where we conserved a lot of food." Chen Xu

He Kang coughed "Sister Xu, please give them some more details! Our dimensional space is big like Heaven and in less than one year we bought a lot of food! In that space it doesn't exist time so they won't expire like at all." He Kang puffed out his chest while bragging about the things his boss did for them.

"...? Wasn't he an element user?" Yang Yifei frowned... why doesn't he know about it?

"Well... our boss did't explain to us how he did that... he is full of mystery." He Kang took a sit beside Chen Xu and the two man followed.

"So talking about the people who comes here, when they arrive we first put them in an area to cheek if they are worth to stay here and to see what they could do..."

[I think you already know how it works XD]

After He Kang explained everything Yang Yifei was thinking deeply while staring at his drink, he was amused of the system they use, the fact that only people who aren't greedy or pure whatever that means could stay here is a little strange but Ling Song said that in a while normal people could come in too since less than a year something bad will happen.

"Would't the new people despise the people who are already here? To find someone who never fought a zombie and that lived happily for a year?" Devon

"It's not like we can restrain them from doing so... but do you think they would think firstly of how other people lived than enjoy the new life we are giving them? And anyway, even if our boss said to find other people we still don't accept people who killed ot hurt other humans, we have a mind controller that can make people spill the truth so we don't have to worry about the people who lies."

Yang Yifei wanted to say that he was one of those people who would't be able to be accepted to live here since he already killed a lot of stupid humans... but they must know since he know that those 'guardians' have been keepig an eye to him and his guild and Devon isn't any difference.

Sometime later He Kang left them to go somewhere and Chen Xu took them to Area 3

Is it in that moment that Yang Yifei lost it, his hand covering his eyes while swearing "Seriously little kid...an amusement park, is thise fucking apocalypse a fucking joke to you?" he whispered while hearing the joyful laughter of many kids running around hand in hand with their parents.

Chen Xu grinned, she perfectly know that having an amusement park here is stupid for other people "Our boss Ling Song is just a kid that just discovered the outside world just one year before the start of the apocalypse so he decided to build one in this safe space."

"1 year... it was when he had that strange dream?"Yang Yifei asked

"Yess... dreaming about the future and believeing in it is quite unusual...and it's more unusual that a bunch of adults believed at him..." Chen Xu gaped open her mouth as she remembered something important, they started to believe him cause he showed his power to them but... how did he gain his power one year before the apocalypse? And where those really dreams? Couse he also said a lot of other premonitions to make them believe him.
She closed her mouth and smiled.
She doesn't care how many secrets his little boss is hiding to them, they all believe in what he's doing.

"...what?... So he know beforehand that the apocalypse was coming? with a dream?" Devon grabbed Chen Xu's shoulder forcefully while rising his voice, he was a little confused that everything was so well done, he came here with only knowing that a kid was the boss of the white Fangs but didn't know the most important thing... and the hell with that important thing!! That kid was able to prepare how to survive 1 year before the start of the apocalypse!! He have been hearing them say about the great things they have done so far in 1 year and he only thought that this base was made just to become a new ciry like.

Devon was about to shake Chen Xu's shoulder with excitement but he found his hands being wrapped around freezing water "Please, refrain from touching me sir."

Devon who was a fire user, detested when water user uses thier power on him, they go well together at all. He released his hands and apologized "Sorry but it's to much to take, how can I, Who've been living more than one year outside fighting zombie take all at once all of this!" He pointed to the passing rolelr coaster full of people screaming "Poeple usually scream when they fight against a zombie AhAHAHHAHHA" He crossed his arms and started to laug loudly.

Yang Yifei was almost annoyed "He lost it"

Devon looked at Yang Yifei with a wide smile "Give me your phone, let me call the kid."

Yang Yifei didn't hesitate and passed him his phone.

"Hello~ Vincent, what's up?"

"I'm not whoever you just mentioned kid. It's me, The Hunter's Boss!"

"..." Ling Song hanged up and stared at his phone disgusted.

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