5. Ice Cream / Popsicles

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Mitch slung his arms around his torso as if he was trying to comfort himself. "I... he always told me I worked too much."

"Still, he cheated, not you," Avi said. He sighed softly when he looked at Mitch who just shrugged his shoulders. "Why don't I make us some tea?" 

Mitch shrugged his shoulders again. "But your date night."

Avi smiled. "Not as important as you right now." 

"Thank you. I'll have to go to the bathroom real quick..." Mitch left quickly and Scott sighed when he heard him sob.

"Make that two mugs, for now, he'll need a while," Scott said. 

"Don't you want to see about him?" Avi asked while he turned on the electric kettle. 

"No" Scott replied. "He wants to be alone."

"But-" Avi wanted to return when Scott silenced him with a soft kiss. 

"This is not his first heartbreak, Avi, I know that he needs space. He'll come back downstairs once he's ready" Scott said. "And if he doesn't come until we've finished our tea, I'll go upstairs."

Avi nodded reluctantly. "Okay..."

While they were drinking their tea, the two men chatted quietly about work and whatever had happened during the week. 

"So..." Avi said and emptied his mug. "I think I should leave. I don't want Mitch to think that he's interrupting our evening. Unless you need anything? How about dinner?"

"We're good." Scott sighed. "I don't want you to leave, Maybe we all can spend the evening together?"

"But Mitch" Avi said. "He'll need comfort."

Scott shook his head. "He needs a distraction. Games, movies, whatever. Please stay. I know it's selfish but I missed you and I can't wait to cuddle up with you..." 

Avi smiled. "If it's okay with Mitch..."

Scott emptied his mug and put it in the sink. "I'll go and ask him."


Fifteen minutes later, Scott came back downstairs. "He's coming in a few," he said to Avi, who was sitting on the sofa with a book. "He originally wanted to stay in the guest room, but I told him you didn't mind a movie night with both of us."

Avi smiled. "I don't," he said and got up. "I'll get out the snacks." 

"Good. Any ideas for movies that are not romantic, but still easy?" 

"Fantasy or something animated," Avi said. "We'll figure something out. 

Mitch came downstairs ten minutes later, wearing yoga pants and an oversized sweater. Scott's sweater. "Hey..." he said softly.

Scott smiled. "Hey, Mitch. I'll be with you in a moment, I'm just going to the bathroom."

Avi, who was just pouring three fresh mugs of tea turned around and smiled as well. "Hey, Mitch. Scott and I thought about watching How to Tame Your Dragon."

"Good idea," Mitch said. He went into the living room and looked at the snacks on the table. "That's a lot."

Avi chuckled. "Yeah," he said when he joined Mitch in the living room. "You know how Scott is with snacks." 

Mitch nodded. "I know," he said and looked around.

"Are you missing something?" Avi asked. "Something else to drink? I thought we could have some tea, but I'm sure that Scott has wine in the fridge."

"No, no alcohol. But... do you know if he has some ice-cream?" 

Avi chuckled. "Probably. You sit down and I'll get it" he said. 

Mitch nodded and sat down. To distract himself, he turned on the TV and searched for the movie.

Scott came back a moment later and sat down in the middle of the sofa, right next to his best friend. "Where's Avi?" 

"Right here."

Scott looked around and chuckled when he saw Avi carrying three bowls of ice cream. "I should've known," he commented when Avi handed Mitch his bowl. 

Mitch shrugged his shoulders and took a spoonful. "Thank you," he said once his mouth was empty again. 

"You're welcome," Avi said.

Scott looked at both men. "Movie?"

They nodded and Scott started the film.

Fifteen minutes into the movie, Mitch had finished his ice cream, set down the bowl and drank from his tea. Then he looked at Scott, unsure.

The blonde noticed that and smiled at his best friend. "C'mere."

Mitch looked at Avi, who just smiled and nodded, then he cuddled up against his best friend. 

Scott looked at the bearded man and smiled. "You too?"

Avi hesitated a moment but then he lay down with his head in Scott's lap, sighing softly when he felt Scott's free hand in his hair. "Mmhm..." he hummed softly and closed his eyes momentarily, only looking up when he heard a soft chuckle coming from Mitch.

"Hmm?" he hummed questioningly.

"This should be so awkward right now," Mitch said. "Me cuddling with my best friend and his boyfriend. But it feels good."

Avi smiled up at him. "Same."


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