Chapter 1

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Since the event with the mansion and Lucy's leaving, the two Dragneels had become a force to be reckoned with. Their reputation had become big enough that some requests on the board asked for them specifically but the two of them refused.

"We are a team. The five of us, nobody is separating us" exclaimed Natsu. " oh yeah, nobody is going to split our team" agreed Lucy. " Are you sure about this?" asked Erza. " yeah, nobody is splitting the team Erza, count on it" said Natsu. Erza blushed at hearing Natsu. " that means a lot guys, thanks" said Gray. " Don't get all teary eyed on me , you icicle" joked Natsu. 

"Psh yeah right flame head" Then just like that, Gray and Natsu were at it throwing fists back and forth. "Mommy, I'm hungry" said Nashi pulling on her moms shorts. "Come on baby, let's get you something to eat" said Lucy as she picked Nashi up and brought her over to the bar.

 "Hey, Mira, can Nashi get something to eat?" Lucy asked pleasantly. " of course" Mira answered with a smile. She walked back and came back with a bowl of soup a few minutes later. "Stay here until your done" Lucy told Nashi. "Yes mommy" she answered sweetly as she stuck her spoon in and started eating. 

Lucy walked back over to Natsu and the others where she went and sat in his lap. "So what are we looking for today guys?" she asked. "Whatever we can find, pickings are slim this week" explained Erza. " Something going on that we don't know about" asked Gray. 

"Your guess is as good as mine" commented Erza. "well with our track record, it's not like missing a few days is going to kill us" Lucy said plainly. "Aye". "it will let the others here have a chance to make some money" said Happy. The others all shook their heads in agreement. The group of them together had been titled as one of the strongest wizarding groups in all of Fiore.

"Ahh, just relax guys , take a load off" Natsu said lazily putting his hands around Lucy. . " You cant say anything, you have a child, you don't get a break Natsu" Erza smirked. "yeah yeah," Lucy smacked him on the head before he continued to say something else that would earn him a hard hit from Erza. 

 " In any case, flame brain might be right and we need a week off" agreed Gray. Erza and Lucy with Happy started chuckling while Gray and Natsu gave them looks.

 "What?" they said. " Every so often , its funny when you two can actually agree on something" said Lucy giggling. The boys rolled their eyes and said "shut up Lucy" " mommy, daddy , can we go walk?" Nashi had walked over and asked in her cute voice.

 Wrenching herself out of Natsu's lap, she went and grabbed Nashi' s hand. "Sure Nashi, come on you two" Lucy looked at Natsu and Happy who got up and walked over. Natsu grabbed Nashi's other hand while Happy waited. "See you later guys" waved Gray as the family left from the guild. " What the heck are we going to do with a few days off" Natsu complained. 

" Oh stop whining, I'm sure we can think of a few things to do and plus this gives us more time to spend with Nashi, it's more then we've been able too lately. Our missions have kept us away more, with how many people have been asking for us....I miss us having time" Lucy finished with a saddened tone in her voice. 

" Relax Luce, and you know, your right, we can use this time to spend together more as a family. What do you say Happy?" "Aye!" he agreed. "come on" Nashi pulled at her parents hands dragging them forward. They ran with her laughing until Lucy stumbled bringing all three of them down. "haha, be careful mommy" cautioned Nashi. " you too baby" said Lucy.

Natsu smiled at them until something caught his attention. He stood up looking around. "What is it Natsu?" asked Lucy noticing the serious look he got on his face. " I smell something, I'm not sure what... GET DOWN!" he launched himself on top of Lucy and Nashi covering them. Explosions came out of nowhere surrounding them. 

 "Natsu. What's, what's going on?" Lucy asked. " I don't know, just stay down". He kept them covered but was looking around. Fires were started everywhere. The rest of the Fairy Tail guild had come running out to help everyone. "Hey!, you guys alright?" Gray yelled running over to them. Natsu got up off Lucy and Nashi. 

"Happy, take Nashi home now" Lucy said strictly. "Aye, come on Nashi" Happy grabbed her hands and started to fly with her when Nashi gave them both a pleading look. "GO" Natsu and Lucy both said with stern looks on their faces. " We love you Nashi, we just want you safe, stay safe Happy" said Lucy. 

"AYE" then he took off leaving the others. 

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