1. I'm Yunlan

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I want to start writing this one.

Readers: But you should concentrate on one book at a time.

I want to write this one.

Readers: but you are already writing one, focus on that one.


*Readers shudder, take out the bible and holy water*

Before I start this book, I wish you all to know that I do not intend to make fun of any medical condition. Just the plot intrigued me, and I wished to test my own capabilities and break the confines as a writer.

This is a work of fiction and I would try and keep it entertaining while making sure that nowhere, anything is portrayed out of proportion, or in an overdramatic manner. I may keep the humour and sarcasm in place while keeping it respectful.

If at any point, you feel this book is disrespecting the condition, I would stop right away and take it down. Do guide me.

Here we go. Hope you enjoy my impulses.

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We will treat this story as a fairy tale. We will have a "once upon a time" and we will have a "Happily ever after"

We will have two princes; one is a frog prince and the other will be prince charming.

It will be for you people to decide, who you want to be the frog and who you wish to be the charming one.

Let's begin!

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Once upon a time, there was a king, and he loved his daughter very much. He loved her so much that he locked her in the castle but one day the princess eloped with a prince of the rival kingdom.

The King disowned the princess and swore to never see her face again.

Many years later, the King got to know that the kingdom that his daughter got married into perished into poverty and his daughter fell sick out of worry.

The King loved his daughter, but his rage had blinded him. He did not help her, neither did he go to meet her.

She died.

The king got to know about it and his sorrows knew no bounds. He cried day and night. He cursed himself if he could only get his daughter back or the time when he refused to meet her.

Sadly, clocks do not tick in reverse.

A year later, he got to know that his daughter had given birth to a son. He searched for him and brought him home.

He brought his prince home.

But as the prince grew up, the King realised...

That he was different, Just different.

Different from you and me, different from the "so-called" normal world.

He liked to observe, watch things. He could spend hours looking at a flower, the floating clouds, a slithering snail... or you if he found you worthy enough.

He had the habit of following, going after whatever intrigued him, for a reason known to him only.

He did not like looking into the eyes, but he had the gift of peeking into souls.

He liked wandering. He enjoyed walking aimlessly.

He was different, just different.

He was Yunlan, Zhao Yunlan.

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