3. Jellies

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"And then I said..." the guy trailed off, his eyes went small in confusion, "... Umm, isn't that your weird cousin, Jiu?"

Zhao Jiu quickly looked up from his phone and turned around, his eyebrows raised instantly at the sight. The diner that Zhao Jiu and his friends frequented was 10 Kms away from their mansion and he could see Yunlan right outside of the glass window, peeking inside with his nose pressed against the glass.

"Yunlan?" Zhao Jiu mumbled, still not able to believe his eyes. Did Yunlan really walk this far?! He got up, but before leaving, he glared at his friend, "do not ever call him weird."

He left after the curt threat; his friends looked at each other in embarrassment.

Zhao Jiu observed from a distance. He was not very sure of Yunlan's reaction to see him. A small smile made its way to Zhao Jiu's lips to see Yunlan being Yunlan, with his button nose squished against the glass.

He looked at what Yunlan had his eyes on. It was a dining table full of food. He gave his head a light shake to realise that Yunlan was hungry, it saddened him.

 He gave his head a light shake to realise that Yunlan was hungry, it saddened him

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"Yunlan..." Zhao Jiu very gently called.

Yunlan quickly straightened to hear the familiar voice, his eyes again wide and wandering but never once he turned his head and made eye contact with his cousin

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Yunlan quickly straightened to hear the familiar voice, his eyes again wide and wandering but never once he turned his head and made eye contact with his cousin. However, Zhao Jiu did not mind. He had lived years with him, he understood Yunlan and his condition far too well to feel offended like his twin did.

"Why are you here, Yunlan?" Zhao Jiu kept his voice gentle, the only way Yunlan preferred.

Yunlan blinked his eyes and wiped his nose with his sleeve, "Yunlan... Yunlan stup-stup-peed. Yunlan... I will... I will cut your nose-nose... and ears."

Zhao Jiu squeezed his eyes shut in frustration and mumbled to himself, "Hong."

Zhao Jiu absolutely disliked how Hong mistreated Yunlan. He looked around and then at Yunlan, scanned him top to toe. His messy hair and dirty clothes told Jiu that Yunlan had been wandering for hours now. Typical Yunlan.

He took a deep sigh and did what he was good at.

"Ah, I'm so tired. I will just sit," And Zhao Jiu plopped down on the steps, right in front of the restaurant.

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