Prologue and Character Intro

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You never know what you may find on the streets!

It was an ordinary day, at least what he thought. However, it wasn't. He locked the main door, twisted the key again to make sure it was locked properly. And started for his workplace. The only good thing about his work was that the workplace wasn't too far and he could save on the commute money.

As he was walking, he sensed something. He turned, there he was, grinning innocently at him. He had spotted this stranger quite a few times in past three days. Now he was getting suspicious, he thought of calling the police if this stranger turns out to be a psychotic stalker.

Shen Wei awkwardly grinned back. To his surprise, the stranger walked closer—a first.

"Umm... Hello?" he nervously extended his hand while praying mentally to all the gods. The last thing he wanted was to be stabbed to death on his way to work, especially when his salary was due for the month.

The stranger looked down at the extended hand, he blinked at it, and only then Shen Wei sensed something different about the person. He was constantly biting his lower lip, fiddling with his fingers, and kept blinking. And the way he hadn't made any eye contact till now was a bit strange.

He reminded Shen Wei of his nephew, who had autism. His eyes swelled. The stranger was autistic. He quickly looked around to find someone. Why was this person left unaccompanied, Shen Wei wondered.

"Hey, you with someone?" Shen Wei tried his best to keep his voice gentle with the person, looking at the person's face, hoping to make an eye-contact.

Though he did not look up, his expression was that of a newborn, absolutely clueless. Shen Wei looked down at his watch, he was getting late for work.

"W-w-watch!" suddenly, the person exclaimed and extended his wrist, he repeated innocently, "Watch!" his speech was not clear.

Shen Wei sadly smiled to see a broken watch on his wrist, but a diamond ring on this person's ring finger made Shen Wei raise an eyebrow. He realised this person could be... rich, if not a thief.

"My. Name. Shen. Wei. Your name?" Shen Wei gently enunciated each word, something he had seen his sister doing with his autistic nephew.

"Wei Wei..." the stranger giggled, his fingers clasped on the hem of his t-shirt.

It made Shen Wei smile, "Yes. Wei Wei... Your. Name?"

The stranger stopped giggling. He was suddenly nervous.

"Yunlan..." The stranger bit his lips.

Shen Wei smiled, "Nice meeting you, Yunlan. Let's get you home."

The person finally looked at Shen Wei's face but quickly removed his gaze, now looking at an empty space, still blinking constantly, "You... you home..."

Shen Wei raised an eyebrow.

* * * * * * *

Some people find money on the streets; others find jewellery. Shen Wei found Yunlan.

As they say, destiny is real.

Shen Wei has just one wish in life, to make money. He works day and night but is desperately looking for some shortcut, and one day Shen Wei has his shortcut right in front of his eyes, Yunlan.

Yunlan is born into a wealthy family, but sadly, his autism makes him incapable of becoming the heir to Zhao Empire. However, after his grandfather leaves everything to an autistic Yunlan, the poor kid finds himself running for his life as his entire family conspires to kill him off.

Unintentionally, Shen Wei saves Yunlan, and that is it; Yunlan decides to never leave Shen Wei's side after that. He follows Shen Wei everywhere like a lost puppy. Shen Wei tries his best to get rid of him but runs out of patience when every time Yunlan ends up at his doorstep. However, after knowing the real identity of Yunlan, he decides to keep him.

And as for Yunlan, he just knows that Shen Wei feels 'home', Shen Wei feels 'safe' and he does everything to stick around. Despite his inabilities, Yunlan knows that he is supposed to be with this person whose name is Shen Wei.

The greedy Shen Wei wants Yunlan's money, and Yunlan, just wants Shen Wei. Let's see what happens when someone as shrewd as Shen Wei meets the innocent Yunlan.

Character Intro

Character Intro

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Name: Shen Wei

Age: 28

Personality: Extremely money-minded. Clever. Miser. All he cares about is money. All he wants is to get rich.

Name: Zhao Yunlan

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Name: Zhao Yunlan

Age: 23

Personality: Autistic. Innocent. Has the habit of spilling food. Too particular about his food. Does not like bathing.

Name: Zhao Jiu

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Name: Zhao Jiu

Age: 25

Personality: Rebellious. Loves his twin sister but does not like it when she mistreats Yunlan. Does not like it when grandfather favours Yunlan over the entire family. Has a soft spot for his innocent cousin.

* * * * * * * *

Author *Dodges the eggs and tomatoes hurled*: But Shen Wei is normal in this one!

Readers: Yunlan is autistic!!

*Runs away crying and screaming*

I just wanted to do a bottom Yunlan *blushes* and I had been thinking of this plot for quite some time now. *Cries loudly* Apologies for literally attacking you all with new plots back to back!

and should I even consider going with this one?!

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