I caught Jinyoung's blush and smiled to myself, distracting them by asking them questions about themselves instead.

I learnt that JB has been a long time friend of Jinyoung's which explains the sizing up he did when I entered. JB has been dating Youngjae before they debuted, the two of them reminding me of Mark and Bam.

JB and I got along well despite the initial friction, our similar preferences in things like food and some songs kickstart our conversation that we were just talking to one another.

"Want to watch some old videos of Jinyoung hyung acting?" Yugyeom suggested suddenly, interrupting us.

Jinyoung shot him a glare and tried to stop him, his arms reaching to grab Yugyeom but failing as I wrapped my arms around him with a nod.

"Of course" I laughed, knowing I would get along well with Yugyeom like that.


The whole mood in the room changed as the other Jinyoung knocked on the door and came in, all of them falling silent and turning to face him.

"Yes?" I asked, standing to face him.

"Jackson-nim, you're still here. I was wondering if you would like to see some other celebrities as well?"

I nodded in response, wanting him to leave as soon as possible to ease their moods. I turned to look at my Jinyoung and his group to see the guys fidgeting and shooting glances at each other and Jinyoung.

Jinyoung stared at me with his unmoving eyes, the concern flashing through his eyes.

"I'll be back" I smiled, staring back at Jinyoung before directing my gaze to the others as well.

"Dinner together?" I added, smiling when they nodded back at me. I gave Jinyoung's shoulder a squeeze before leaving and following the other Jinyoung out of the room.

I took a deep breath and stuffed my hands in my pockets, the heavy studio door shutting like my expressions.

"All our artists are in today" he stated, gesturing for me to follow him towards the elevators.

I followed him and headed up 2 floors, passing by a few door before he knocked and opened one.

"Girls, this is Jackson nim from King's. We will be doing events with them in the upcoming months and hopefully years"

The girls eyed me while the other Jinyoung spoke, their eyes widening when he mentioned King's.

"Hello" the girls bowed, introducing their group which I nodded and greeted back before the other Jinyoung brought me to another room where another girl group was and allowed them to introduce themselves.

We went to see some boy groups as well, all of them eyeballing me until they heard King's. I kept quiet and greeted back each time, not bothering to create much conversation with the other Jinyoung as he continued on his speech as we went from room to room.

We went to his office last when we were done and the other Jinyoung started to go through some photos of sets, going through the list and arranging some of them including one with Jinyoung and his group which got my attention.

I spent some time giving him some direction there when I realised it was getting late, my eyes catching a glimpse of my watch as I explained to him.

"It's getting late" I commented. I lifted my wrist to check the time on purpose and stood, wanting to take my leave.

"Would you be..." the other Jinyoung started but trailed off when I raised my eyebrows in question.

He shook his head and stuck his hand out for a handshake, his eyes assessing me as I shook his hand back.

The Way - JinsonWhere stories live. Discover now