"I killed Hayley." "Thats not funny." "I killed her, I told Markus to do the spell to kill her so I could have control over you." "Really? Is that why you carried her to the well to help save her? Because you wanted her dead so bad? Damon you're an awful liar." She is probably the first person to stand by Damon he kept throwing everything at her to break her. To stop her from caring but she just wouldn't back down. 

"Oh you're still alive I thought she would have broke by now." Kai said with a sleepy smile on his lips. "She's pretty strong, to snap my neck the way she did." Everyone was just looking at him. "A shame that she's going to kill you... could have been a great defence weapon. You have a lot of enimies." "So do you." Be and Kai began to argue back and forth only he found it amusing and i did not.


"Damon?" She said quietly whilst Bonnie got annoyed by Kai. I looked her in the eyes. She was breathing deep as her eyes had gone that glowing yellow. It was so pretty to look at but i knew she couldn't fight it any longer. "It's okay." She shakes her head and her tears flow, she wiped them as quick as they fell though. "Please." She begged. "Just do it." I shake my head. 

It was selfish allowing her to kill me, she'd turn into something else she feared. And She'd have the guilt of my death on her shoulders but i couldn't allow anyone to hurt her not myself no one. Either way I lose. At least this way she's alive. 

"Just run. Get away." She whispered. "Why run from the inevitable?" "Because it means you get to live." "Living on the run is just exsiting." She closed her eyes and took a breath when they opened again they were back to the pretty brown colour that mesmorised me every time I looked into them. She was trying so hard to fight it.

"Guys?" Bonnie said and Kai was holding her against the wall with his arm on her throat anger bubbled inside me. "Get off her!" I went over but he wouldn't let me close enough. "Guess you should have used chains, ropes are a little weak... Especially from where this hulk was pulling at them." He said pointing at me. I tried to get closer to him again but it was like he had created a wall keeping us out. 

"You kill him and she gets to go free." "Isabella it's okay." "Why does everyone keep telling me it's okay! i'm not letting anyone die!" She exploded books flew off the shelves hitting walls and the floors. "OOh I like this." "Shut up." Bonnie tells Kai. We all watched her for her next move and she grabbed the stake and threw it, it went passed me and hit Kai in theright side of his chest. "Missed the heart Sweetie." "Wasn't aiming for the heart. Sweetie." She mocked. He dropped whatever spell and I was able to get Bonnie away from him. 

"Smart girl... Now go do as your told." "I stopped listening to my father when he died... i don't need another one." "Oooh a daddy kink." And another stake to the left of the first one, still not at his heart. "You have a strong throw." "Yeah my aims pretty good too." She kicked the chair so the legs broke and picked up on of them snapping it in half making two mini ones. 

Kai pulled the two out of his chest. "Kill him." "No!" "Kill him!" "NO!" "He stopped you from saving your father... If he didn't move you, he'd still be alive." "Low blow... too bad I can control what you find in my head..." She said with a cocky smirk laced on her lips. "You got no relavent information out of me. My dad died because he was protecting people he loved! And if thats how I die at least I did what he taught me." She threw on of the smaller chair legs and got him in the stoumah. I'm so glad we practice this part she had gotten so good at it. "Top of your little class is she?" He asked me ignoring Isabella now. I stayed quiet. "You know Damon is incapable of love right?" "No One is incapable of love they simply fear it." She said composed, too calm for Izzie. She was a pocket rocket and when she was calm it meant she'd go off at any given moment. 

I looked back at Bonnie and she was on the phone to someone. I couldn't make it out. "He'll hurt you." "Won't be the first time I've been hurt." "Oh yeah... Lee your boyfriend saw you wasn't good enough... I was never good enough for people. The reject because I couldn't do magic... now look at me." "You still can't do magic." "No?" He tried and nothing happened. "Don't play me, because I will always win." She said narrowing her eyes. 

"What have you done to me?" "Oh nothing much... Just your know stopped any magic from spilling out of you in chaotic burst like they normally do." "Give it back." "No... Why would I do that? When you're forcing me to kill someone." "It's your destiny." "Maybe so but I would like it to be my choice." "No one choses in life... We get the cards were dealt." "Or you cheat the system and have your own deck under the table." 

Things got intense after this. Everyone kind of just scrabbled around. Things were being thrown, people were being thrown. And then Kai got the upper hand. Having us all backed up to a wall. He held us there by siphoning Bella's magic, he was a smart too smart for his own good. He could take away any spell if he focused hard enough. "Now what?" Kai asked us. 

He took a few paces away from us and then turned around. "I want to play the game of human darts too. It seemed fun." Kai said looking at Isabella. "Only this time. Hearts the bulls eye and He is the board." "Why do you want to kill him so bad?" "Oh Bon, Bon. I don't need a reason... I just can." And then he threw the stake he hand in his hand at me and it all happened so fast. I closed my eyes waiting for it but alls I heard was a scream, a powerful bellow and then I was holding up Isabella. My eyes widened at what had just happened. She had rolling in front of me our bodies flushed just before the stake reached me it impaling her instead. 

"What have you Done!" I shout before realising i can move. i was holding her and I looked around her body and Kai was on the floor going grey. Care and the twins were stood by the entrance arch of the room that had been completely trashed no bit of furnature was useable. Bonnie was crying and Stefen looked like he was about to run but chose to stop as it all played out. 

"Bella?" I said looking at her. I pulled the stake out. "Bella?" I knelt down with her and I pulled a cushion close by and put it under her head. I looked her over her chest wasn't moving and she was just still. "Bella, wake up." I tell her before biting into my wrist and putting it against her mouth. "Bella! Bella. drink. Izzie. Isabella!" I demanded but she didn't reply she was just still not drinking like she normally would when she was hurt. There was nothing. 

"She fought it." Bonnie said softly. "What?" "She fought the compulsion because she loved you that much." "She was compelled." "Only today." Bonnie tolld the four at the door. Lizzie stood behind them all wiping her tears shaking her head looking back at me. Josie hid in her mother side who was holding her. "Please tell me you gave her blood before she died." Lizzie said. I couldn't look at the broken girl anymore. So I looked down at the girl who saved my life. her lips were turning blue. "Isabella..." I whipsered picking up her hand and resting my head on her tummy. "Please wake up." 

"DAMON!" Lizzie demanded. "No I didn't feed her my blood because I was meant to die not her!" I shouted back losing it at her. "How could you let this happen to her!" Lizzie said coming over to me. "You didn't deserve her as a friend. Alls you did was let her die! Everyone moment you had with her was pain! The cell, the dagger, her father. Now This! You promised Hayley you'd protect her and you didn't!" What ever was left on the walls were now on the floor thanks to Lizzie's burst. 

"Come on." Stefen said to Lizzie holding her back but it didn't stop her from slapping me across my face. I could have stopped her but I didn't I should have saved her! She was right. "Come on." Stef coaxed and pulled her into a hug where she broke down. Care looked surprised at the tears from her daughter but I don't think anyone knew how close the girls were. Lizzie and Izzie they might as well have been best friends since birth. And Lizzie found soemone who understood her. Who could handel her and not get freaked out or annoyed when she lost it a little and Izzie found that in Lizzie too.

I picked her lifeless body up and carried her passed everyone and up to my room. I laid her on the bed gentally, pulling the sheets up and tucking them under her arms. "Damon she's dead." "no." I told Bonnie. "Damon..." "She's not dead!" I say firmly. "Sh-"She told me she wouldn't die. That she'd wake up and i beleive her. She'll wake up she just needs time!" I tell her.

"Okay." She said and I looked at her. "Okay... it's okay. If you need some time to process this but Damon... She's gone." I looked away from her and moved a piece of Isabella's hair from her face tucking it behind her ear.

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