Early Years

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DISCLAIMER!!!!! Hope doesn't exsist in this story, Hayley and Elijah are together. Elijah and Hayley have a baby Together which is Isabella. Elijah is Isabella's Bio dad. Werewolves have Alpha's in individual packs but theres a 'royal family' that is important to every pack... Hayley's family is the bloodline.


I breathe out heavily and look at Rebekah who held the new life that she just helped bring into the world. Giving birth in the living room isn't as fun as it seems. I wait to here my babies cry. "Is she okay?" I sit up slightly worried not hearing her. "She's perfect." Rebekah said smiling at the life. She carefully handed her to me.

She was okay, she was alive and breathing and just looking around with her big brown eyes. "Hi." I breath out softly looking down at her, she looked back at me before she blinked, she was perfect. I fell Elijah's hand on my shoulder. "How is she?" He asked having been outside to make sure no one came in.

Klaus had some war going on with the witches and they want their hands on my baby, of course that was never going to happen but it meant that he missed the birth of his baby girl. "She's perfect." I tell him not taking my eyes of the small life in my arms. He pressed his lips to her forehead softly. I was just taking it all in. The pain of birthing her was long forgot about, I was just amazed at this life. This little life I was responsible for.

Banging at the gates began and I knew we didn't have much time left. "She needs to leave now!" Klaus said coming into the room where I was still laid on the floor. "Now Hayley!" He demanded anyone would think it was his daughter. "She's fine thanks for asking." I say rolling my eyes before looking back at her, she had to go away for a while now. "I'd rather have a future with my niece than a few painful moments now... Rebekah take the child go." Rebekah gave me a second to say goodbye.

"Mummy loves you sweetheart. Aunty Bex and Aunty Freya will keep you safe." I tell her softly planting a small kiss to her cheek. I handed her to Elijah and he said goodbye too before we watch his sisters take off in a hurry with our new baby. moments. I held her for moments and i didn't know when I'll see her again. My heart was breaking into pieces. "Elijah get her out of here." He told his older brother. He helped me stand and took me to another room in the house.

I got teary eyed as I got changed out of my bloody clothes from giving birth. "She'll be okay with them you know." I just nodded not trusting my voice. I felt awful, my child wasn't safe enough in my arms she had t be taken away and hidden to be protected. I felt useless to her. She was my child. My baby. My little baby that I should be protecting myself!

"Stay out of there!" Klaus' voice boomed but people were pushing through my bedroom doors. "Where is she?" They demanded. Elijah stepped in front of me protectivly. "Get out!" "Wheres the babe? He took one of our own will take one your own!" "She's just a baby!" I say defensive. Klaus killed a fully grown witch who attacked him, they wanted to sacrafice a baby! A baby. my fricking baby!

One witch had Klaus pinned to the wall oppisite me and another threw Elijah out of the way, I was defencless, having just giving birth and not having any strength left in me, emotionally and physically I was exhausted and I couldn't fight them when they grabbed me or when they pushed me against the mirror holding me in place. "Where is she?" Glender asked looking me in the eyes, her eyes were a ice cold blue, the kind that you knew had seen somethings in their life. I couldn't say anything, what do I say?

3rd person pov

Glender pulled out a long tooth looking sharpe blade pressing it against Hayley's soft neck as she was pinned against the mirror in the corner of the room. Klaus and Elijah were trying to fight the magic that was holding them in place stopping them from saving a very important person in their lives.

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