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"Zelena is in love?" Emma asked as Regina had finished telling Ella, Henry, Hook and Emma about Zelena and Hades

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"Zelena is in love?" Emma asked as Regina had finished telling Ella, Henry, Hook and Emma about Zelena and Hades

Regina nodded, "And not thinking rationally which for her is a big problem"

"We have to stop her and if you can't because she's your blood then allow me to." Hook said as he walked forwards

"What? Kill her?" Regina asked

Ella shrugged her shoulders, "Step in the right direction."

"Well taking action against Zelena in any form will get messy." Regina stated

"Okay so we find a way to keep them apart." Emma suggested "Without killing anyone."

Ella shared a look with Hook and said, "I'm still waiting for a better option."

"So what's the plan?" Emma asked Regina

Regina stepped forwards and said, "Well there is only one person we can trust to destroy the love blooming between Hades and my sister... Our mother."

"You have got to be joking." Ella said running her hand through her hair

. . . . .

"You okay?" Ella asked as she walked into the apartment where Emma was leaning against the counter looking at a photo

Emma nodded, "Yeah, just thinking about mom and dad. I hope they're okay up there without us."

"I'm sure they are, you make it sound like they have always had us around." Ella said as she put the paper bag onto the nearest table, "You ready?"

Emma walked over to her and said, " Regina said the rendezvous point with Robin and Jackson is a half days walk into the woods, you sure you have everything I need?"

Ella nodded and looked into the bag, "Water, new blanket and a bloody lot of baby wipes."

Ella handed the bag to Emma, "Thank you."

"No problem, tell Jack I say hi." Ella said

"Will do." Emma said as she walked out of the door

The Second Princess (2)- 𝓞𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓤𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓐 𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮Where stories live. Discover now