american boy

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George woke up to an email from an unknown sender:

Hello George Davidson, it is my pleasure to inform you that you have been selected to go to the United States and spend your remaining years of high school there. If you have a place in mind, please contact me. You have 3 days to respond.

- Sara Thompson

George knew he had to take this opportunity to meet Clay, to get to his lover.

An hour later, George talked to his parents, and they were on board. They think it is going to be a fantastic experience for him to go to Florida, where he would be around people that actually liked him.

George doesn't have any friends in England. He gets bullied in school. That's primarily why he switched to online classes, but he also wanted to focus on twitch and youtube.

Good afternoon Clay, can you call?

He's probably sleeping its like 3am in America

Clay texts back almost immediately

afternoon? It's 3am here, lol

I can call!

* incoming call from Clay <3 *

"hi, Georgie."

"Hi Clay, how are you."

"I'm fine. Why'd you not get on earlier we all played Jackbox".

"I wasn't invited."

"WHAT?! I swear to god I'm gonna kill Karl".

"anyways, I need to tell you something."


"I got an email this morning saying I was chosen to be a foreign exchange student, and I can choose where I want to go. I want to pick Florida and see if I can stay with you. If not, I can get put with a different family but still go to your school".

"George, the only place you will be staying is with me, you know my moms never home, and it's not like she would care."

"OH MY GOD, you're kidding. This is real?"

"yes, Georgie."

*call ended*

George wrote an email back to Sara instantly:

Hi Sara, I am very interested in spending my remaining years of high school attending Crestview High School in Orlando, Florida. I have found a place to stay as well. All the information, including transfer forms, parent approval, and anything else you need, is provided in the attached file.

Clay was so excited he got to meet the boy he loved the most. Would this be weird? Knowing he loved George, it almost hurt because all he wanted was for George to be his. Maybe things would change once they met. Perhaps he only fell in love with George's online persona. George would be here in 3 days. 3 days to get rid of these feelings, to see him as a best friend and nothing more.

George was ecstatic he thought of Clay and how he'd get to be with him every day... well, not together but in his presence. He would meet Clay in a few days. George decided he would tell Clay about his feelings before he left, in case he was weirded out by the way George felt. That way, they would avoid any conflict. George would go into this opportunity with a clean slate and an open mind.

Clay woke up to a text from George:

Hey Clay, I've been doing a lot of thinking, and I need to tell you something, and I need to do it soon... Call me when you wake up

* incoming call from Clay <3*

"hey, you wanted to tell me something?"

"Yeah, um, are you home? Are you sitting? because what I'm going to tell you may affect everything".

"George? is everything okay?"

"everything's fine, but I need to tell you this before I leave in case it changes everything."

"George, whatever you need to tell me, it won't change a thing."

"Clay, I love you, and I have for a while, and I'm sorry if you think it's weird, and I get it if you don't want me to come anymore."

"George, I love you too... I was just trying to ignore it, but there's no point in hiding it from you."

"wait, I didn't know you were gay?"

"me neither. You're the only guy I'm attracted to.."

"Okay, I will see you in 2 days, Clay".

*Call ended*

George was feeling relieved knowing the boy he loves loved him back. He couldn't wait to be with Clay. George went to pack the rest of his things and made sure he had everything he needed but realized he needed new clothes because it was mostly cold and cloudy in England.

The day before George left, he spent the whole day visiting his family and getting all the paperwork he would need to give to his new school.

When George woke up, he prepared himself for the 9-hour flight and a five hour time difference. George's mom drives him to the airport, where they say their goodbyes.

"Mom, I'll be home for Christmas, and I'll come back when I can"

"I know, George, but everything's going to be different with you gone."

"I know, mom, but I want to go so bad I'll miss you and dad so much."

"Can sit with you till you leave?"

"Of course."

Finally, George's plane is about to leave. He says goodbye to his mom for the final time.

George's plane takes off and the nerves set in.

9 hours later, when Georges plane lands, he texts Clay

This is the moment they have both dreamt of...

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