Chapter Eighteen

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Honey slowly crept her way around the halls of Hogwarts, expertly dodging all of the faculty members, until she finally reached the third-floor staircase.

Honey quickly tiptoed up the stairs and stopped just before she was visible to anyone who could already be on the floor.

She gently peaked her head over a stair just enough to see I'd anyone was on the floor.

She sighed finding seeing no one was there. She quickly ran up the remaining stairs to the door.

She was surprised when she suddenly collided with a solid mass in the middle of the open Hallway.

The three Gryffindors all turn to look at her in fear but calmed once they saw it was only Honey.

"Blimey Honey I thought you were Filch," Ron whispered to her. Honey let out a small awkward laugh.

"We do look alike don't we." Honey said still slightly laughing. Suddenly Hermione cleared her throat annoyed at the two giggling children.

"This is serious I'll have you know. Honey get under before you get us all caught!" She whispered at Honey. This caused both Honey and Ron to let out another small giggle as Honey joined them under the already crowded cloak.

"Ow, you stepped on my foot!" Hermione suddenly whispered harshly at Ron.

Ron simply shrugged a sorry to the girl. Hermione rolled her eyes before sticking her arm out of the cloak pointing her wand at the lock on the door.

"Alohomora," Hermione said calmly causing the lock to release.

They quickly opened the door just far enough for them to sneak in and closed it as soon as they are all inside the room.

"Wait a minute...he's" Ron started but before he could finish his sentence one of Fluffy's heads let out a large puff of air causing the invisibility cloak to fall off the children. Honey noticed the gentle sounds of a harp and realized exactly what was going on.

"Snoring." Honey finished Ron's sentence breathlessly.

"Snape's already been here. He's put a spell on the harp." Harry stated quite sure of the conclusion he had made.

Honey rolled her eyes at the boy but let out no protest, she needed to end this tonight and it was no use arguing with Harry.

"Uh. It's got horrible breath!" Ron whined when the dog let out another soft snore in the children's faces as they all started to inch closer to the large dog.

Honey quickly looked around the room for the trap door she knew to be in the room and felt her stomach drop when she saw that Fluffy's paw sat right on top of the door. She slowly lead the group over to the dog's paw and stopped to stand over it.

"We have to move its paw," Harry said sternly.

"What?!" Ron cried clearly scared of the large dog, not that Honey blamed him Fluffy wasn't super friendly with intruders.

"Come on!" Harry called as he leaned down to gently grab the paw of the large beast.

Honey filled Harry's lead almost instantly.

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