Chapter 10

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We just got to the skatepark, the car ride was quiet but in a comfortable way. The music was on but that was the only noise that was heard in the car. We got to the park a little earlier then we told everyone else so we decided to just sit at a bench and wait for them. I just had a few questions that have been playing in my head ever since I found out that I will be staying in River's house for a week. I take a deep breath and turn to fully face him.

"You seemed like you were at home since school ended. I thought there was something you had to do." I don't really ask it as a question but I'm hoping that the tone I chose to use would help translate that for me.

He laughed. Oh my word, that laugh makes me feel every single butterfly in my stomach that seems to want to escape. "Well the thing i had to do was at home." I was a little confused. "See my mom woke up this morning and totally forgot about us having guests. I'm not really sure how she forgot because you were all she would talk about. Anyway, she told me to get home right after school to help her clean up a bit before you got there."

"Oh well how did you not know it was me if your mom was always talking about me coming?"

"Well she never told me the name of our guest, I only ever got a gender. Mom eventually caved when Sammy kept begging to be told. Mom told her your name and told her not to tell me because it was a "secret" apparently." He said with a small laugh at the end.

"Oh well i guess that's a reasonable explanation." Should i just ask. Yeah what the heck. "Why were you so happy when you found out that it was me that would be staying at your house?" I ask, this question has been itching to be let out and i couldn't hold it in any longer, i just had to ask.

He smirked at me, That annoying yet wonderful smirk, no stop  thinking like that Tate. "And you said that I ask a lot of questions, are you a serial killer?" he scooted over away from me a bit which honestly made me frown. I liked his close proximity, Stop it. Don't let yourself think like this, you've only known each other for a little over a week. Chill!

"No, I'm not, I'm just curious." He scooted back closer to me and that made me blush a bit. I tried to hide it with my hair but by the way he giggled, i'm pretty sure i didn't do too good of a good hiding it.

"Well Tate to answer your question, I was excited because it was you." I snapped my head up in surprise. He was happy because of me. "To be honest, i was nervous when my mom told me that a girl was going to be staying with us for a bit, I was just a little nervous about if she was going to be nice, or nice to Sammy, or if she even wanted to stay with us or if she was going to be a hand full. I was mainly worried about it because of my mom. She has been working so hard lately and i didnt want this to be even more stressful for her. Sammy, she is really trusting of everyone. She is really loving and I was scared that this mystery girl wouldn't treat her the same way and hurt little Sammy's expectations. Those two are my world and I'll do anything for them. I didn't want to have to kick the mystery girl out if she got out of line."

I could feel the love in the words that he said. I could tell that Sammy and his mom were extremely important to him. All I could do was smile at his response to my question.

"Sorry i've gotten all mushy and soft on ya."

"No, don't apologize, I think it's sweet that you care about them so much." I smiled up at him and he smiled down at me.

"What's up River, heyyyy gorgeous." Dylan walked up behind us. I rolled my eyes and I saw River giving Dylan a stern look.

"Hey y'all" Melissa said as she walked up with everyone else right on her heels

"Y'all ready to catch some air?" Bex asked the group. She had on all of her pads and a pair of wrist guards. Her board was absolutely beautiful, it looked custom made and it had the cleanest yet used wheels on it. I was so jealous.

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