Authors note

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This book is dedicated to everyone that loved my other fanfiction Dark Pasts, Bright Futures, I wanted to make certain aspects more clear and give another character her time to shine: Avrigg Egan. In this story I will be writing certain aspects of her life in each chapter so there isn't exactly a timeline to follow it is just a chapter and in each chapter there is a subject that will be brought to light to show you guys a different way of writing and every detail of Avrigg's life and how she felt with certain subjects in her life. No worries, Maisey will of course be there but just not as the main character, she will be a side character in this story. I want to thank each and everyone of you for this oppertunity, I never would've thought that Maisey would be so loved and now I want to introduce you to her older and more complicated sister. So I hope you'll enjoy this story entirely tributed to Avrigg Leya Egan!


this book includes very sensitive and real issues such as bullying, mental abuse, physical abuse and suicide.. if you do not feel comfortable reading this I suggest you do not read this book for your own sake. There will be a lot of negative thoughts that can be extremely shocking sometimes since Avrigg lived a very different life as you've noticed from the first book.. but now you are really going to see it all from Avrigg's perspective. So I will warn you one last time if you do not feel comfortable reading these kind of topics then I suggest you leave this book now!
If you personally struggle with any of these subjects then do not read this book and look for help wherever you can. Go to a trusted adult or counceler, talk about it because it will get better and I do believe that you are worth it and special.. I may not know you and you don't know me but I hope that you'll feel at least a little better when I tell you that you are special and you are loved, the world will always be a better place with you in it.. You are worth it and amazing, be yourself because you are good the way you are don't forget that..

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