3. Misery

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Readers discretion is advised - Sexual content

Y/N Pov

I was walking down to the Great Hall. Sabrina looked at me. We haven't been talking so much these days because Kai was still in my dorm. A week ago she told me that she wanted to know everything about me and Kai and I told her that I would tell her, but what am I supposed to say? Nobody knew that Kai was in my dorm besides Sabrina. I needed to sneak food up to my dorm, because Kai couldn't be seen by anybody. Sometimes Sabrina would help me, because the boys would question why I kept taking food from the table and up to my dorm, but Sabrina covered that part.

"So does Kai have to leave today?" Sabrina asked.

"Yes and I can't see him in a while because he has some business he needs to do somewhere" I was quite okay with it, because I knew that, when I saw him again it would be a wonderful time. Of course I am sad that he is leaving, but he can't stay here all year.

"I'm gonna go up to my dorm to say goodbye, and then we can talk if you want too" I said to Sabrina.

I walked down to the dungeons, as I saw Malfoy standing against the wall. What is he doing down here? Isn't he supposed to be at the feast?

"What are you doing down here?" I said with a furrowed brow.

"I could ask you the same Salvatore"

"I'm going to my dorm, I wasn't as hungry as I thought. The others are still at the feast if you wanna join them" I said looking down.

"What are you hiding love? You and Sabrina have been very, secretive." He said while getting closer.

"Personal space, thank you" I said while taking my hands up to his chest so he couldn't walk any closer.

"Second, it is none of your business to be completely honest"

"Don't you dare talk to me with that attitude" he said with displeasure.

I really don't care how he talked to me. I knew that he was like this all the time, so it didn't surprise me.

"Are you on your period or something, all these anger issues? All these mood swings? Well I guess we have our answer" I said while walking away.

"Don't you turn your back on me" He yelled.

I walked over to enter the Slytherin Common Room and said the password "Pure-blood".

I looked back and I noticed that Malfoy didn't follow, I was relieved. I walked in my dorm and I saw Kai sitting on my bed, waiting for me.

"Welcome back love, it took a long time for you to get here. I already missed you"

"Sorry I ran into a friend"

I walked over to him to give him some of the food that we ate at the feast tonight.

"I brought you different food. Steak-and-kidney pie, treacle tart, trifle and spotted dick. I know it all sounds really fucking weird, but just eat it"

"Spotted dick? What the fuck is that, im not eating that"

"Oh god Kai, dont be so picky, it is just some english cake. There is like dried fruits in it"

"Dried fruits? Hell the fuck no."

"Fine, don't eat it"

"Sociopaths do not eat "Spotted dick" he said with a smirk.

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