Chapter 32

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“And how have the classes been going Kay?” I snapped back to reality as my mum spoke to me. We were sitting at the dinner table and I had been swirling my spaghetti around my fork for about the 100th time. I froze…what were we talking about? I had completely zoned out. It had been a week since I came back from the hospital and dad had left to go back to the south. I had only allowed myself to think about Jase every once in a while – in the fear I might run out and try to find him madly. He hadn’t contacted me since and I was too afraid to even go near his house. I wouldn’t blame him – even if he was my best friend, with what I had…if he couldn’t take what had happened…I didn’t blame him.

Splat. Something hit my face. I looked up as my mum sat there with a pissed off face.

“Mum…you didn’t just throw at meatball at my forehead right?” She shrugged her shoulders at me and started swirling more speggetti around her fork.

“Must have been the cat.” She said sarcastically. I stared at her with dumbfounded face.

“We don’t have a cat.” I told her wiping meatball remains off my face. Trying to hide the laughter. My mum’s gone crazy.

“Oh. Then it was me, trying to have a conversation with my daughter at dinner. But since she ignored me I threw a meatball at her face.” I stuck my tongue out at her and she rolled her eyes.

“So how have the classes been?” She asked again, now she had my full attention and wasn’t wasting tasty meatballs.

“They’re good, I’m pretty much ready for finals.” I told her, the supplement classes I had taken for all those days I missed at school really helped me get up to date with all the class work. Despite everything that had happened previously – I was still trying to get good grades.

“And…so….” Ah I knew it, she had something to ask me. Why the heck was she beating around the bush….

“What mum…” I sighed. 5, 4, 3…

“So prom huh? Who are you going with? What dress do you want? Is $2,000 enough for a nice dress? And make up? Gosh, you haven’t gone make up shopping since we got here. Well, we have pageant make up – would that be too outrageous? Maybe I should look into getting a beauty specialist to come in and help with the make up and hair for prom!” My mum had stars in her eyes – yeah she really was annoyed at the fact that I wasn’t continuing with the pageant life anymore but she understood my reasons…eventually. Prom was just another thing she wanted to be included in. “Make it $4,000, that sounds more appropriate.” She nodded her head, I could see her doing calculations in her eyes.

“I don’t know about prom Mum…” I sighed running my hands through my hair.

“And why not? Comeeeee onnnnn.” She groaned like a five year old. “Mama don’t get to do planning anymore for nothingggggg.” She was being such a child…. I laughed at her and rolled my eyes.  Our relationship since everything was out in the open had cleared up and we could goof off and tell each other anything now. I had no fears she would hate me anymore.

“It’s also on my birthday…and…I don’t feel like going.” I said standing up and carrying out dishes to the sink. My mum resigned in arguing with a long pouting sigh. I turned on the tap to wash the dishes and she whispered ‘think about prom….just think about it.’ In an eerily ghost like voice in my ear. I rolled my eyes and finished what I was doing.

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