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"What do you know?" He asked, catching onto her mischievous smirk. Katherine looked back up at them, "I know that I want Klaus dead, which puts me squarely on team you. Besides if you guys ever need me to swap places with Elena again, the less people know that I am here, the better. Think about it, come on, be smart."

Rory on the other hand, was completely disregarding the whole conversation as she usually does, mainly because she doesn't want to get caught up in it, yet somehow she always does.

"Tell you what. You two uh... call Alaric and let him know that his wife's just showed up on his girlfriend's doorstep." Stefan told Katherine and his brother before looking at Rory. "Do you want to come with me, Ror?"

The girl looked up and nodded her head. She grabbed her coat and then walked out the door with her brother for one hell of a day.

"Where are we going?" Rory asks once they reached the car.

"We have to go to the founders council thingy to be on the look out." Stefan responded as he put the keys in the ignition, and once they began driving, he got a call on his phone. "Can you get that?" He asks his sister.

Rory nods her head and grabs the phone, "Hello?"

"Oh my god, Rory, I can't find Matt anywhere. And after last night, god knows where he is. He's not at home. He's not answering his phone."

"Okay, Care, slow down." Rory told her in a soft voice, and she could hear the blonde vampire take a deep breath before continuing.

"My mom walked in while we were arguing, and he just took off. I don't know what to do."

"Did your mom hear any of it?"

"No, she just thinks we're fighting, but he knows about me, and he's freaking out about Vicki."

Rory looked over at Stefan, having absolutely no clue what she was supposed to do. Looking away from the road quickly, he then reached out for the phone.

"All right. Listen." He told Caroline. "You have to find him. You have to calm him down. Compel him if you have to. Is he still on the vervain?"

"I slip it in his soda when he's at work, but I didn't get to last night, so it's out of his system. He has a catering shift at the Lockwood's today. I'm going to try there."

Before Stefan could even respond, the line went dead, indicating that she hung up. Both siblings looked at each other with the same face before sighing and looking back out the window.

"Today's going to suck isn't it." Rory said, breaking the silence after a few minutes. Stefan looked at her before smirking and ruffling her hair, "I wouldn't doubt it there, Ror."


When Katherine Pierce was sure she was alone, the vampire wrote a single letter for Rory, and placed it under her pillow, and then left out the door. Katherine was trying to do what she thought was best for both her and Rory. 

She loved her, she really did.

Trying to find where Isobel was staying was quite possibly the easiest thing she had ever done. It was as if she was wanting to be found. So Katherine made her way over to the estate, and waited for the arrival of the woman that will help her.

𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐬, kmWhere stories live. Discover now