I nod. I assume most senators would've already arrived at the capital building by now, but we live just five minutes away. I grab my purse and go out into the living room where Kyle, Ella, and the rest of his security team are waiting. She tried to argue him out of going to the hearing, but he insisted- so here we are.

"Ready?" He asks, standing up.

"Mhmn." I take his hand, and Ella mutters code words into her work phone as we walk out the door. It's freezing today, so for a second I wish I'd plucked a coat off it's hanger in my closet- but on well. It's too late now- and it's only about a five second walk to the motorcade anyways. As an official protectee- and with me no longer being one, it's policy that he get into the car first, and that the door be closed immediately after a non-protectee's entire body is in.

The door's closed before I've even fastened my seatbelt, so I do so quickly. Ella's been assigned to driving today- so she presses a few buttons on the dashboard that I couldn't even begin to understand, and mutters more code words into her phone. After a few seconds' pause, she nods, placing her copy of the cars keys in and turning them. The ride over is smooth, as always.

What I didn't expect- though I should really know better by now, is the people gathered a distance away from the capital, behind the security, patiently waiting on the news together. The confirmation vote won't be for another few hours, so they'll be waiting a while. Among them are a few reporters- though most'll arrive in an hour or two.

  The motorcade stops near a side door, and I hesitate for a second before stepping out. There's a camera or two around, and the look on my face'll be played in media coverage for a few days- so I try to wipe away any sign of emotion, and let a pure look of professionalism take over. I don't look at the cameras. Instead- I smile, acknowledging Congress's doormen.

  I finally breathe when we're inside with the doors closed. I look around- and see that we've entered at a hallway containing congressional offices. I work under the assumption that he's still in there- and begin walking towards the office of the senate majority leader. I knock on the open door- Kyle standing beside me, and Ella slightly behind. His head shoots up from some final paperwork he's had to fill out for the hearing, and he smiles.

  "Lauren-"He shakes my hand. "Kyle- to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"

  "I was wondering-" I look back, and Ella shrugs- putting two earbuds in. "If I could count on your full support during the senate floor debates."

  "Of course-" David says. "There's been zero evidence presented as of yet that would condemn your mental stability, and well- as you know I'm not one to hold support back over... petty reasons."

  I nod. We don't discuss the video. It's been talked about numerous times and wouldn't do any good now. When we're done speaking, it's time for senators and media to start filing into their seats, so I take mine at the table in front - just yards away from the senate majority leader's raised platform. I take a deep breath as an aide starts adjusting mics- testing to make sure they're working. Just ten minutes before we're supposed to start, David takes his seat on the platform.

  "Let the record show that the senate has now convened for the final confirmation hearing and vote of  Ms.Lauren Wells for the position of FBI Director." He says, flipping a page to his speech. "I have known Ms.Wells for years. As the entire world knows- that personal relationship has not always been the best. But professionally- we have always shared a mutual respect. This respect has stuck with me today. There is not a single cell in my body that doubts her qualifications or her mental state. Now- I am not naive. I know that after my speech- there will still be pushback from members of our own party, not because they disagree with wether or not Ms.Wells is qualified for this position- but out of genuine concern for her mental health. I encourage my colleagues to look past their own concerns and instead to the medical experts who have evaluated every cabinet and high level government official for the past twenty years. All of these medical experts have said- after multiple evaluations- that Ms.Wells is no more mentally ill than I am. With that- I pass over the last five minutes of my time to Senator Wilson of Nevada."

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