I had completely missed Mood passing me until she was clearing the platforms.

"Better luck next time." Mood beamed excitedly after crossing the finish line.

I was still hanging upside down trying to untie my leg.

"Need a hand?" Spark asked while confusingly looking between Mood and me.

"Yes please." I responded with a sigh after being defeated by a single rope.

Mood causally walked over and attempted to help Spark untie my leg.

"How did you manage to get your leg this tangled up?" Spark complained as they tugged at the knot more.

"Why haven't you tried burning through the rope?" Mood asked like that should have been the first thing I tried.

"I dont want to fall on my face again. Especially since I have that interview in two days. Then the gala the next."

"Try it and I promise I'll catch you."

Despite the blood rushing to my head I nodded in agreement.

Spark held the rope steady as I carefully attempted to shoot a flame at the rope.

The first attempt just singed the rope. The second on was more successful, but some reason the rope was slowly burning away.

Just as soon as the rope had given way I found myself landing in Mood's arms.

"Are you ok?" She asked softly.

"Yeah. Stupid rope." I muttered softly.

"What are you talking about when you said an interview?" Mood asked sounding concerned while putting me down.

"Oh I was told Lightspeed and I have an interview on Thursday." I shrugged my shoulders and continued to explain. "I was told part of what we are talking about is the Hero gala, and something called the Miss list. Which I'm hoping it's not what I think it is."

"Well I guess we only have tonight to go dress shopping then." She smirked as she walked past me.

"You're gonna make me wear a dress?" I chased after her already regretting suggesting the competition.

"Firefly, do you expect anything less?"

Before I knew it I was standing in a dressing room staring at a dress Mood decided on.

She chose a black mermaid dress that was decorated with flames. Not to mention more revealing in the front than I'd ever decide on.

She can't be serious about choosing ths dress.

"If this is payback for the impulsive decisions. I'm sorry."

"You're the one who thought it was a good idea to bet against me." Mood teased through the door. "And chose what the winner got."

"I didn't think you'd choose a dress."

I sighed and slowly took my time getting changed.

"Dont you think I'll get cold?"

"Already taken care of. Plus there will be a lot of people and even more dancing so its gonna be pretty warm." She responded like she had already thought of everything.

"Hey since we are getting ready for the gala... Is it ok if I ask you a question?" I asked while attempting to zip up the dress.

"Go ahead."

"Well actually two things, can you help me with this zipper?" I asked quietly.

She knocked twice before I let her into the changing room with me. I quickly turned away from her so she had easier access.

"Uh... The other thing is I know we still need to talk about it, but I really wanted to ask would you be willing to be my date friday?"

"Shining..." She responded with a sigh.

I instantly felt my heart drop into my stomach.

"Oh. Well..."

She quickly forced me to turn around and placed a finger in front of my mouth to stop me from talking.

"As much as I would love to date you publicly, and believe me I do, I have to do what's expected of me."

I looked down and she forced me to make eye contact with her again.

"I will hate every second I have to spend on those 'dates' with creeps and targets but I will always be thinking about how much I'd prefer to be out with someone I genuinely care for..." she sighed before giving me a reassuring smile and stepping back, "like you."

I instantly noticed that she was examining me in the dress and smiled like she was proud of her choice.

"You know I think this dress will work."

"You didnt even look at yourself in it." She pouted slightly.

"True, but I can tell that you like it." I whispered before deciding to take a risk. "You said publicly we couldn't date right?"


"Then what if we just keep it between ourselves?"

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