Chapter 16

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It's been a few hours since anyone had come to check on me and since they aren't letting me leave this room I decided to scroll through my phone. Most of the unread messages that were on my phone were from Owen like I thought, but a few were from Ethan and Claire.

The messages from Owen and Ethan were mostly concerned about if I was ok or not.

What made me laugh was that Claire was excited about us being on HRN last night.

I watched the clip of our fight with Frostbite and I laughed as Claire slid across the ice while trying to get her bearings.

"Watching your fight last night?" Melodic Mood appeared out of no where and scared me.

"HOLY HELL!" I jumped throwing my phone in the process.

She caught the phone with ease and glanced at the video and smirked.

"You know for someone with pretty much no training whatsoever you did pretty good." She said handling me back my phone. "You're still stupid for almost getting yourself killed, but it kept us from taking the hit so I cant say much."

She started to walk back towards the door and I may have slightly paniced about being alone for hours again.

"Wait!" I accidentally yelling it instead of saying it normally.

She froze and turned to face me with a confused look on her face.

I realized I didnt have anything to say. I couldn't even come up with an excuse, until my stomach decided to embarrass me by growling extremely loud.

"Any food allergies?" She turned to face me.

"Mushrooms." I stopped to think for a second. "Just mushrooms."

"So nuts are fine, good." She said as she threw me a granola bar.

"I'll be back to check on you later." She glanced back at me before leaving the room again.

After the door closed I turned my attention back to my phone. I was surprised to see that I was causing the water on the ground around me to turn into steam.

I was also surprised that Frostbite actually got away from Captain Whirlwind.

I took a bite of the granola bar while staring at the blank screen of my phone.

Suddenly as I was taking another bite my phone started to ring. The caller ID showed Claire hanging onto Ethan.

"Hey." I mumbled with the food in my mouth.

"El!" Three voices yelled in unison.

"Hey." I said awkwardly.

"El where are you?" Owen immediately shouted like he didn't understand how the phone worked.

"Ummm..." I looked around the room. "Hospital?"

Would that be a lie? I mean this has to be like a hospital like area right?

I knew I couldn't tell them where I actually am, while Claire knew I had to be at the school.

"What happened last night?" I couldnt tell which of the boys were talking that time.

"I dont know. I must have hit my head." I hated lying to them, but I'm sure I dont have any other choice. "Guys I have to go the doctors are back."

I hung up after their chorus of goodbyes and finished the granola bar. I put my phone in my pocket before getting up and putting on my jacket.

I quietly went over to the door and saw it was left ajar. I was slightly amazed it barely made any noise as I pushed it open.

I took two steps out of the room.

"You're not supposed to leave the room yet." Once again Melodic mood appeared out of no where.

"Bon sang." I exclaimed as I jumped.

She raised an eyebrow.

"Where did you come from?" I looked around and didnt see anyone else.

She looked at me like I was an idiot while she said. "I'm standing watch over you. Where else would I be?"

"You don't have to waste your time watching me."

I tried to walk past her but she stepped in my way.

"You're too hurt to go wondering around." She actually had a slightly concerned look to her face.

"I'm fine."

Immediately after I said that she poked me on the shoulder and it sent waves of pain through my arm and chest.

"I'll be fine." I mumbled as I straightened myself out. "I just need to stretch my legs."

"Fine, but I have to stay with you."

I couldn't help but be a little irritated because she is acting like shes my babysitter.

"Your pouting isn't going to change my mind." She seemed to be fighting a small smile as she spoke.

She moved out of the way and gestured for me to lead.

"I have only been down here once." I looked at the number on the number on my door. "1042 I wasnt at this high of a number yesterday..."

"We're in the medical wing."

"Right." My stomach growled again. "Where can I find food? That granola bar is the only thing I've eaten all day."

"Follow me." She laughed a bit and before she started walking away.

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