Chapter 63

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*POV still Melodic mood*

"How is it I leave for thirty two hours, and you managed to do more reckless stuff than the last?" I scolded Shining after we got back to my dorm.

She was still rubbing her wrist while I was trying hard not to stare too much.

"What were you thinking?"

"That I would look good with this hair color?" She smiled like she was trying to get out of trouble.

"You know what I'm talking about."

She nervously bit her lip causing the piercing to slightly protrude.

She ran a hand through her hair while I was fighting to keep my breathing steady.

'How the hell does she still have this effect on me?'

"I honestly had thought about doing this for a while now." She sat down on my bed. "Maybe I let Lightspeed pressure me into doing it sooner than I planned."

"Maybe?" I raised my eyebrow.

She just huffed and looked down.

"Why dont you get some rest? We start training again tomorrow."

She nodded softly before standing up and leaving me alone in my room.

*POV change to Shining dragon*

As weird as it is my wrist feels naked without the PCR on, but it felt pretty great to finally get to do some training without it.

Sadly we only had one training session today and it was only for red levels and black levels, but with so few of us they typically let is decide the tasks for the session.

"Hey Mood do you want to make today's training more interesting?" I asked with a smirk.

She turned to face me before she walked over.

"What did you have in mind?" I seemed to peak her interest a bit.

"Oh just you know a little friendly competition." I looked around and Spark didn't seem to care too much about what was going on. "The winner gets to pick what the loser wears to the hero gala."

"Sounds fun, but I get to pick the obstacle course." She smirked.

"Ok deal." I turned around and grabbed the tablet that controlled the obstacles in the room. "Here you go."

She had a knowing smirk, like she knew she was going to win, as she began to scroll through the various courses. After deciding on the course she wanted she showed it to me.

"I've done this course before." I smiled as she selected the course.

"Then I guess you'll have no problem beating me Firefly." She spoke softly.

Almost immediately we started our race. It was going well we were going back and forth from being in the lead.

Suddenly Spark bumped into Mood and they both lost their footing on a beam above a pool of water. That gave me a decent jump ahead.

I made it to the ropes. All I had to do was slide down them and clear a few platforms.

I began to slide town the rope and moved another rope, but somehow my ankle got caught in the rope.

"Shit!" I cursed as I ended up hanging upside down and slaming into the near by wall.

I tried to swing myself upwards so I could untangle myself, but instead I swung myself into the wall again.

Shining Heroes Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora