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       It was like any ordinary day for this young girl, going by the name of Amity. Wake up two hours early, take a 20 minute shower, brush her teeth and hair (pulling it up into her half ponytail afterwards), and heading off to school in her school uniform and a hoodie, carrying a bag with her school supplies. Nothing unique about this day. 


After leaving her home, she made her way down a path in her hometown, shivering slightly at the chilly morning air. She admired her surroundings; although she's seen it many times before, she still finds it a beautiful sight. 

Taking a quick inhale in, she quietly jogged across the street, meeting an old coffee shop at the other end. Walking into the building, she felt the warm atmosphere engulf her. 

The small shop wasn't too popular, considering there was a Starbucks a few streets down, but Amity enjoyed the coffee from the small shop more than what Starbucks served. 

Walking up to the cashier, she smiled politely. There, behind the counter, was a tall boy, maybe a few years older than Amity. He had light brown hair swept to the side, and dark chocolate eyes.

He was wiping down the counter lightly as Amity approached. When he noticed her, he smiled back.

"Hello! Welcome to Aroma Mocha! My name's Jerbo. What can I get for you, ma'am?" The boy asked, setting the rag under the counter and onto a small shelf behind it. Amity looked up to the small menu, reading every coffee, tea, or donut on the board before deciding.

"Can I have a caramel frappuccino with a glazed donut please?" The boy nodded, handed her a paper, and started to make her drink. Amity, in the meantime, sat at one of the small tables by the windows of the store. She looked at the paper, showing her number. 


She pulled her phone out of her pocket, checking how much time until her school started.


Amity grumbled under her breath. Her school started at 8:00 so she only had 35 minutes to eat and drink what she ordered and get to school. While she waited, she heard the bell on the door ding, indicating someone walked in. Amity didn't look up, keeping her eyes glued onto her phone where she scrolled through Instagram.

After a little bit of scrolling, she soon got bored. She looked up to the counter to see the boy talking to a girl around her age. She looked to be about her height also. She had short brown hair, a little darker than the boy had, along with round black piercings. Her skin was a light shade of brown also, Amity assumed she was Latino. Amity couldn't see her face, nor did she care anyways. 

After watching the girl order for a few seconds, she looked back down to her phone, scrolling a little more. She watched from the corner of her eyes as the Latina sat a few seats ahead of her, back facing her. 

Amity perked her head up when she heard her number get called. She stood up and walked over to the counter, paying and thanking the boy when she took her coffee and donut. 

She walked out of the store, shivering when she felt the cold breeze brushed against her neck and cheeks. She turned and made her way to her school, eating while she walked, taking an occasional sip of her frappuccino.

Around 10 minutes had passed since She left the small shop. She took her final bite of her donut as she started crossing a bridge. Amity doesn't know why, but she always gets an uneasy feeling when she nears that bridge. People have spread rumors of the bridge being bad luck, and to never cross it alone in the dark.

Amity didn't believe in all those childhood rumors, but that didn't stop the feeling. Something in her gut told her to get off the bridge immediately once she stepped foot on it, but sadly, it was either the bridge, or an extra 20 minute walk around.

ıllı╚»R1v3r 0f th3 Lo0p«╝ıllı~ Short Lumity AU FanficWhere stories live. Discover now