Chapter 9 : Stealth and Thinking

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Qlo: Man seriously? You can make a smokescreen? That's all there is to it? Sheesh, I thought you were the strongest guy on the team.

Power User 3: W-well... yes... I make smokescreens for my team.. t-that's all there is to it...

Qlo: So then... What's all of your buddies' power? If you don't tell me, that's wishing for your DEATH.

Power User 3: W-wait!! I'll tell you all of their power! Just please don't kill me!

Qlo: Alright... You have two minutes. If you don't tell me all of it within two minutes, you're done for. You also have to state your names.

Power User 3: Okay... Uhm... My name is Pier. I can emit smokescreens out of my hands....
I support them with smokescreens whenever we need to escape... and... the one with the white hair is Jill... He can make shields for all of us on the team whenever we need it...
he is our defense... then the one with the messy hair and glasses is Dael... His power is to eavesdrop, he can hear anyone slightly far away from him... he is our informer... well, he wanted to be our informer. All of us are just weaklings wishing for a better life. I-is that it...?

Qlo: Excellent, thank you. That's unfortunate for you but, I also have my problems.
*Pier would suddenly fall to the ground, blood splashing all around the grass he fell on.*

Qlo: Another life, wasted. May you live a better life in the heavens.
*Qlo had hidden his fingers in an angle where Pier couldn't see it, allowing him to stealthily shoot him without getting noticed by Pier.*

Qlo: Now that this is over, I should return to the front of the mountain.

To be Continued-

By My friend Qlo

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