Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Turns out Wyoming weather can take a turn for the worse in a blink of an eye. Within twenty minutes of being at the Hardin Ranch snow had begun to fall and the temperature dropped to below twenty.

"Samuel?" I spoke softly, not really expecting to find him. When he left me he seemed distracted, like there was something more important to do than take care of me.

No answer. The large man was nowhere to be found. He had brought me inside and sat me in front of the lit fireplace. I wanted to know what he meant when said he was thinking about claiming me. I felt myself getting more anxious and I feared my anxiety was going to cause me to make a fool out of myself again. Growing up I struggled with anxiety and I never was able to get away from it the older I got.

There was a large mirror in front of where I sat. As I looked into it I saw a plain looking girl. Short, and thin but muscular. Thick, long dark hair that was tied in a braid with many short pieces falling out. Small nose, small eyes. My jacket was old but stylish in a very western way. My jeans were tight and flared, paired up with a decade old pair of cowgirl boots.

I often wondered if my looks were the reason why I never found love. Deep down though I knew it was fear. When guys would hit on me I'd run with my tail between my legs. I never gave anyone the chance.

Other than my father and Samuel, I never felt truly safe around men.

Suddenly movement behind me caught my eye and I spun around to meet the angry cowboy again. Judd. Judd Hardin.

"Please don't yell at me." I whispered, backing up until I felt my back hit the mirror.

I watched his strong jaw clench, the vein on his thick neck pulsed and as scary as the man was, I felt my cheeks burn red as I realized I was attracted to it. This attitude should put me off, not turn me on!

He was dressed in old work jeans, and a hoodie. Instead of a Stenson like Samuel he wore an old trucker hat. Even his jeans were lazily tucked in his western boots like he had put them on in a hurry.

His arms were thick, and he had a wide chest but slim hips. Tall, so tall I had to look up at him.
"I ain't gonna yell at you, Little Girl."

He sounded defeated. I wonder if his attitude was because of a bad day.

I nodded in response, waiting for him to say something else. When he didn't and the awkwardness became too much, I finally spoke up. "How many miles into town?"


Ten miles! I liked walking, and going on hikes but ten miles in a storm would take me forever. I couldn't dare ask them to bring me home.

"Okay." I whispered, distracted on what I was going to do.

"You aren't leaving." Judd spoke harshly, almost accusingly.

"Why not?" I was so confused. It'd be silly to think they would want me here.

"The weather isn't gonna let up anytime soon. It's not safe."

Not surprised, but mortified that I began to cry for the second time today in front of a man I didn't know. Turning away, I rubbed my eyes fiercely, begging myself to calm down. This felt too much. The gun fire. The attraction to these men, it was becoming too hard to handle.

Warm hands slid around my waist, and drew me up against a hard body. "Don't cry."

Judd's voice only made me cry harder. What these men must think of me!

"I'm sorry." I tried to tell him but wasn't really sure he understood. My hands trembled as they covered my face. I just wanted to be home. To be alone where no one worried or thought of me.It was easier that way.

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