Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 

Two weeks had gone by. I was back in California and just had finished explaining to the owners who hired me on their project that I unfortunately couldn't make it happen.

So much for my career.

I didn't have a cell phone so I didn't know if they tried to reach me or not. I told Lacey and Timmy that I wasn't going to be able to see them for a while but for them not to worry.

They both cried as did I.

I had to return to the town of Spurs to get my belongings by the end of the week. I decided against getting my camera back. I didn't want the memories anyway. I kept telling myself that five days wasn't enough to fall in love with someone, let alone three people. I couldn't help but think about what Judd told me, how menage relationships were different. They were fast paced because they were meant to be.

"Load of shit." I said out loud, surprising myself as well as the person beside me at the coffee shop. Getting back in my Jeep after paying for my hot coffee, I readied myself for the 16 hour drive. I'd make it there by morning, hopefully without being seen.

It was long, but I only stopped for gas. My stomach hurt the closer and closer I got and I cursed my GPS when I realized it had taken me on the same road I had met Samuel for the first time. The weather was clear, and a couple miles down the road I felt my stomach flip. Ahead was the same scene I had pulled up onto three weeks ago. This time though there weren't two men in the road, there were five. The red pick up truck was stopped and on one side of the road stood three men. Tall, proud cowboys who I couldn't mistake from a mile away.


God Damn Fate.

They hadn't noticed me yet and I recognized the lanky man holding onto the arm of a woman. It quickly pieced together as I saw Lacey's car ahead of Sam's truck.

The lanky man had a hold of Lacey, what I could only assume was a gun to the middle of her back. She was crying, you could see her pretty face bunched up in complete terror.

Rodney seemed to be talking to the lanky man, his hands up in caution.

The next few moments were a blur. Suddenly Lacey was down on the ground, the lanky man had pointed the gun at Rodney the same time I watched Samuel pull something shiny off of his belt.

To my horror it wasn't only the lanky man who dropped but Rodney did as well.

I screamed as I jumped out of the vehicle, ignoring the surprise on Samuel and Judd's faces.

Lacey was right beside me as we inspected Rodney and I quickly saw the bullet entry in his side. He wasn't awake.

"Oh no, oh no." I cried. "Get him to the hospital."

"Call Lukas, he can help!" Lacey rushed out and she looked at me, "The nearest hospital is an hour away."

Judd and Sam loaded Rodney in the back of the truck, lifting me into the front middle seat before I could argue. Lacey assured us quickly that she was okay to drive into town to get Lukas and she would meet us at the hospital.

Once all four of us were in the truck, we were on the way leaving the lanky man to fend for himself. Sam drove, his hands gripped tight on the steering wheel while I was pressed to his side. I kept my attention to the back seat, where Judd was doing everything Dr. Lukas advised him to do on the speaker phone.

"Put pressure on the wound." He advised. "Is he awake?"

"Fuck-wish I wasn't."

The sound of Rodney's voice only made me cry harder. He was alive, alive!

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