Chapter 25: Dinner

Start from the beginning

I'm gonna show him how much I love Melissa by bringing up my favorite moments, kissing her, etc.

And his part of suffering? Watching and taking the whole thing.

This will be my real confirmation if he really sees Melissa as a possibility for someone else other than an assistant.

If he does...

I'm slitting his throat and throwing him in the ocean.

Sounds good to me.

The door is finally opened, the dickhead noticing and smiling right at Melissa until he sees my pissed facial expression.

He clears his throat and I hold my hand out for a handshake.

He accepts and I squeeze his hand tightly, shaking it.

"I'm Justin, Melissa's husband."

He snatches back his hand, shaking off the pain.

"You got a firm handshake Justin. It's finally nice to meet you. Melissa has told me so much about you."

He invites us in, closing the door behind us.

"Oh really?," I tease, smiling at Melissa.

She giggles at me and I pull her into my chest, kissing the top of her head.

"She's such a sweetheart. Melissa really enjoys the job man. Did she tell you how we met?"

"Justin, not now," she laughs.

"Actually, I would love to hear it," her boss interrupts.

"So, I have always had a thing for Melissa in high school. But, I saw her again almost a year ago at the diner she worked at, we caught up a little, next thing you know.. Boom. We're dating."

I left out the gang shit. His irrelevant ass doesn't need to know about that.

He grins a little.

"Sounds amazing," he tells me.

"She's amazing. Now we have a little angel at home, we started a family. She's my life man."

"Aw Justin!," Melissa squeals.

She pecks my lips and I embrace her tight, swaying her left and right.

He furrows his eyebrow.

"You two really believe in PDA."

"Yup," I say, full of pride.

The next hour was full of me telling Melissa's boss more stories about Melissa and I, rubbing her in his fuckin' face, and a bunch of PDA because I fuckin' can.

As the hour went on, I noticed an annoyed expression on his face.

I felt so fuckin' accomplished.

Now, we're sitting at the dining room table, eating our dinner.

I have noticed that his gaze has never left Melissa for ten minutes now.

I'm infuriated and I'm just ready to kill him.

"So, Melissa. Is it okay if I ask you something?"

"Yes, of course," she answers.

"When I was-"

Fuck it. He already bored my ass.

I continue to tune him out.

I rest my hand on Melissa's thigh underneath the table.

I don't see that much of a reaction from her, so I continue.

I migrate my hand to her inner thigh inside her dress before slipping a finger inside her panties.

She jumps a little, making her boss concerned.

"Are you okay Melissa?," Melissa's annoying, irrelevant, motherfuckin stupid ass boss asks.

"You okay baby?," I ask with a smirk, inserting just the tip of my finger inside her.

Her breathing becomes uneven as she become more sexually frustrated, causing me to move my finger in and out of her.

She spreads his legs open under the table to grant me more access and I quicken my pace.

"U-Um. Yeah, I-I'm okay," she chokes out through pleasure, my sweet torture continuing.

"Are you sure?," he asks.

Melissa releases on my finger, moaning a little.

"Excuse me. I'm gonna go step outside for a little fresh air."

I pull my finger out and let her be.

He nods at me before she gets up and exits the room, heading outside.

Now, it's just him and me.


"You have many tattoos," he comments, the cuffs of my shirt revealing my tatted arms.

"Reminds me of gang members. They're the only ones I know of with so many tattoos."

I raise my eyebrow.

"You know gang members?," I ask.

"No, I just see them on the news. You heard of the Nightwatchers gang?"

"Um. Yeah," I awkwardly answer.

"They're out of control. They're probably behind every murder and gang scuffle in this damn country. So damn reckless."

I feel my blood boil as I get angry.

Who the fuck does he think he's talking about? We aren't behind every murder.

"So pathetic man. These men think they have to be tough and strong and they think the only way to do that is to join the gang life. It's truly disgusting."

Disgusting? Did he just call me and my gang disgusting?

I go in my hand and clutch my gun tight, ready to pull it out.

"It's sad. I hope they all rot in hell.

I pull my gun out and as soon as I point it at him, Melissa enters the room, her jaw dropped as she stares at me in awe.


Okay, I know that was a shitty chapter. But, I'm having a bad ass day.

Ugh. Fuck my life.

Did anyone see Justin on Ellen again? He's so fuckin' adorable.

He's almost 21 in less than one month. Holy fuckin' shit.

Anyway, left you guys with a cliffhanger. I wonder what will happen next...

Want the next chap? 55+ votes and a few comments and it's all yours!

I love you all and keep it swaggy!

My kik: msswag15

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