"About the job? Fine, as easy as anything else." Jeongguk had made it very clear that he wanted to be involved in whatever Taehyung was - something the rest of their brothers had giggled about out of earshot of the eldest. He was a part of this family now and he would be damned if he didn't pull his own weight. Taehyung had simply stared at him before giving him a painfully soft smile, dragging him into a kiss that had slowly led to something else. "How about you?"

Taehyung doesn't even pause, tongue dragging up the curve of Jeongguk's jaw, followed by a slow suck that makes Jeongguk's breathing shake, catching in his throat. He tips his head back further, a hand reaching back to tangle in Taehyung's hair. "Perfect," he hums and Jeongguk feels their linked hands trail down his body, his own touch guided by Taehyung's hand. Taehyung doesn't care about the water, doesn't care about how Jeongguk's hair is slowly soaking his shirt.

Jeongguk's head turns and Taehyung catches his lips in a deep kiss, sighing as Taehyung's tongue presses past his teeth, lips tingling at the pressure. "Tae-,"

"Marry me," Taehyung breathes and Jeongguk's eyes snap open, a strangled little moan escaping his mouth as Taehyung knocks their foreheads together. "Please, marry me, Jeongguk."

Jeongguk's heart stutters, skips, and jumpstarts into a tempo so fast he swears he can hear his blood rushing in his ears. Taehyung's eyes are wide, and Jeongguk finds himself mesmerized by the fire inside. The fire that's always fueled him - guided him. The heat that burned between them with every word, every touch, every kiss. Every memory they ever built together, every joke they've ever shared.

"I love you so much it burns," Taehyung says and Jeongguk feels the sting of tears in his eyes. "I want our eternity together to be eternal, never ending. I want our love to go into history books. I want the realms to tell stories of us for ages to come," the tears come fast, hot on Jeongguk's cheeks before dripping into the water. "Marry me, Jeon Jeongguk?"

"Of course," Jeongguk croaks and Taehyung's own eyes glass over, sniffling as Jeongguk leans into another deep kiss, twisting in the water until he's rising up throwing his arms around Taehyung's shoulders. He's lifted from the hot tub, his slick body held tight against Taehyung's, the water soaking his clothes.

"I don't have a ring," Taehyung gasps but Jeongguk doesn't care, focused only on the way Taehyung's hands drag up his body. "Hadn't planned on doing it this way-."

"Shut up," Jeongguk whines and Taehyung lets out a breathless little laugh, the two of them separating just enough to breathe. The sky is a soft pink, purple and blue clouds dotting the landscape. "We're gonna get married!" He gasps and Taehyung's smile is blinding.

"Forever and ever, sweetheart," Taehyung confirms and Jeongguk rolls his eyes again.

"Silly, Taehyung," he chides playfully and he presses another kiss to his lips, this one chaste. Short and sweet. "It was always going to be forever and ever. Now we just get to tell everyone else."

The look of awe that blooms in Taehyung's eyes is seared into Jeongguk's memory for a very, very, very long time.

He remembers it when they do finally exchange rings, hands knotting in a soft, golden rope that Frigg herself blesses. The two of them in a small grove dotted with flowers that Jeongguk had known was it the moment they had accidentally stumbled upon it.

He remembers it when they move - every time they pack up and try something new. When they get to pick their next home - when Jeongguk drags him shopping, even though it is well within their combined abilities to... acquire anything they need in a much cheaper manner.

He remembers it when they take their second honeymoon, and their third, and their fourth, and everytime after that because Taehyung says he deserves it. Says he deserves to be treated like the treasure he is, the words bringing a whole new wave of tears to Jeongguk's eyes.

He remembers it when they lay together to go to sleep, legs tangled under the covers and eyelids heavy as the sun sinks over the buildings of whatever country they're currently in. Because the seven are seen in many different circles, for many different things. Always followed by a string of petty thieves and mischief, a safe-haven for those less fortunate than themselves. A fact that brings a smile to Jeongguk's face, always pushing him to tuck himself under Taehyung's chin before his husband finally falls asleep for the night.

And he remembers that look, that dawning devotion, that late-night whispered love, that physical worship every single time he finds himself lost in the blaze of Taehyung's eyes, half lidded as Jeongguk wishes him a good night. A leg hooked over Taehyung's hip, an arm over his waist. Taehyung's hand carding through his hair, sleepy lips whispering an 'I love you' into Jeongguk's ears.

He's never doubted Taehyung's words for a second.


oh wow so first off: i have spent So Long on this fic I truly do not know if I have the right words to say.

this fic has been a test of patience as i write a fic in entirety for the first time, not posting sporadic updates as i usually do. i know the updates of my other fics have come to a screeching halt and i apologize for that however now that s&s is finished i can finally dedicate time to the others!

i hope you enjoyed this journey! please vote/comment if you did!

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