The Desire

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There are many things Jeongguk has put entirely too much time thinking about: the lifespan of blue whales, the logistics of living on Mars, how many toddlers it takes to take down a grown man, to name a few. Gods, however? He can't say he's put much thought into that as a whole.

And now he can't stop thinking about it.

A day, and then two, then three, and then a week, and then another week - hours and hours and hours he spends scouring the internet and reading everything he can. Absorbing all of the information he can, trying to learn just a little more, understand a little more. He finds himself holing up in the library and nearly drowning in all of the books he can find.

The Nine Realms, Asgard, gods and mortals. A rainbow bridge and a man who guards it. Names Jeongguk can never hope to pronounce correctly and wars he has never heard of. There are creatures that don't exist in their world, and monsters that people have written entire books about.

And it's all real. Apparently. Apparently all of these fantastical, mythical things are real and Jeongguk has no idea how to process that. Doesn't know what he's supposed to do with this information. What is someone supposed to do with the knowledge that their boyfriend has been heralded as the "god of mischief and trickery" and caused the death and destruction and apparent rebirth of the world?

Jeongguk groans, head falling forward in his lap until he smacks the pages of his book with his face. He knew it wasn't true, doesn't know why he keeps going back to that. I left my 'home' long before any stories the humans created ever had a chance of holding true, Taehyung had told him before he'd left, and Jeongguk can't help but believe him. For all that Jeongguk had accused him of lying, trying to call out his apparent bullshit, there was just something so earnest in the way Taehyung talked that night. How firmly he held Jeongguk's hands and how he spoke as he tried to convince Jeongguk to believe him.

And Jeongguk does, but he doesn't know what to do about it.

...Well, yes he does. He needs to actually talk-.

Jeongguk jolts up in his bed at a sudden crash in his living room, heart pounding in his chest as his book falls to the floor. There's the curse of someone beyond his door and his blood freezes, panic setting in.

Oh god, is he being robbed?

His eyes dart around his room for something to defend himself with and they quickly find the lap on his desk, and shaking hands reach for his blankets as he hears muted whispers and footsteps. Jeongguk grabs the lamp, yanking the plug from the socket as he tries to hurry. His front door opens or closes as he reaches his door, his other hand stretched out for his door handle.

He yanks the door open just a hand appears on the other side and Jeongguk yelps, the hand with the lamp swinging through the air.

There's another loud curse and the lamp is stopped in its tracks. Jeongguk is nearly knocked off balance as it's yanked from his hands and he's grabbed by the forearm.

"Let me go-!" He yells, immediately going to struggle against the hold, and there's another curse from his attacker, the grip around his arm only tightening. He's wrestled to his knees and Jeongguk tries to throw out his other hand, only to be quickly stopped.

"What the fuck, kid, stop fighting me!" The other man snaps and Jeongguk gasps, head snapping up. He goes limp in the man's grasp and Yoongi stares at him, nothing but exasperation on his face. "Did you just try to hit me with a fucking lamp?"

"Did you break in?" Jeongguk's voice jumps an octave and Yoongi has the audacity to look a bit guilty, still keeping his hold on Jeongguk's arm. "What the fuck? Why are you here?" There's the sound of footsteps and Jeongguk's heart races. "Are there more of you?" He only gets more worked up with every second that passes and Yoongi's brow pinches, straightening up. "Yoongi-!"

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