The man gives a little head nod, something unrecognizable tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Be careful," he says and then he continues down towards the train platform. A voice speaks through the speakers announcing the next departure and Jeongguk realizes with a start how people are giving him the side eye, grumbling as they have to move around him and his bags.

He finds himself looking over his shoulder one more time as he climbs onto the bus waiting at the corner, the man still on his mind. There's something strange about him, Jeongguk thinks, and it had very little to do with the obvious fact of him being a foreigner.

He's sitting down when it hits him, his hand rubbing over where the stranger had grabbed him. He had felt a lot like Taehyung and his brothers. A strange sort of other that makes them stand out. Makes Jeongguk feel and act differently than he otherwise would. Jeongguk frowns and wonders why he has never really put much stock into how Taehyung's family are just as strange as the man himself. Wonders what other secrets they must hold.

Jeongguk rides the rest of the way in a fog, barely remembering to hit the 'stop' button as they approach his complex. He just barely avoids hitting the woman by the door with his bag, stumbling over his boots as he hurries down to the sidewalk. The heaviness in his gut only gets more prominent with every step he takes, his thoughts a jumbled mess.

He wants to call Taehyung.

He wants to hear his voice and complain about his day and beg for Taehyung to come over so they can cuddle, and maybe even bring takeout on his way. He wants to text him just so he can see the little green heart pop up in his notifications, so he can feel that jump in his chest as his heart skips a beat. He wants to experience that little burst of euphoria that comes from Taehyung sending a message that's so sweet Jeongguk wants to melt into a puddle on the floor.

Jeongguk's heart aches as he climbs the stairs. His eyes burn with the sudden, inexplicable urge to just cry. His phone sits in his hand, silent. The thump of his boots echoes up the stairwell, hiding the soft sound of his sniffling.

"Oh, sweetheart..." Jeongguk turns the corner and his head snaps up, eyes widening at the sudden voice.

Taehyung stares up at him from where he sits on the floor across from Jeongguk's door and Jeongguk's heart feels as if it's about to leap from his chest. His hand clenches around his phone, eyes dropping to where a familiar bag sits beside his lap. The sight of the logo makes his vision blur - it's his favorite takeout.

"Oh, no, please don't cry!" Taehyung jumps to his feet and Jeongguk feels his own shoulders shake even as Taehyung throws his arms around them.

He pulls Jeongguk into his chest, gently cupping the back of his head as Jeongguk buries his face in Taehyung's shoulder. His tears are hot against his cheeks, quickly soaking the material of Taehyung's shirt. His duffle falls to the floor but neither of them move to grab it. Taehyung's hand rubs between his shoulder blades and a whole new wave of tears comes, Jeongguk's fingers wrinkling the fabric of the man's sweater.

"I've made you cry again," Taehyung whispers, despondent, and Jeongguk can only shake his head. He sniffs, cheeks and nose red as he lifts his head up to meet Taehyung's eyes. The man looks grief stricken, the shadows deep trenches under his eyes. He looks like he hasn't slept a second since their dinner. "I never wanted to hurt you."

Jeongguk's trembling lips purse, eyes blinking rapidly as he tries to pull himself together.

"What are you doing here?" Jeongguk asks instead. He shoves aside the millions of other questions burning on his tongue, instead of voicing the thousands of worries he's had in the last many days. Taehyung's frown deepens and Jeongguk tugs at his sweater. "I can't..." his voice cracks and he shakes his head. "I can't handle it if you lie to me again, Taehyung."

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