Jeongguk relaxes a little, the necessary pieces falling into place. Get in, get out, Jeongguk thinks. He can do that- can do that in his sleep. He still remembers the night he had to pick a man's phone straight from his hand- this is easy. "Alright- tell me more about where she keeps it?"

Namjoon takes over then, pulling several short stacks of paper from his desk. He lays out a few files as well, each clearly labeled with names Jeongguk is yet to be familiar with. Namjoon flips one open, tapping the headshot of an older woman, her hair pinned up off her neck and her makeup light but tasteful. It looks to be a professionally done photo, one she'd have on a work pass or a driver's license. "This is Yoon Seolhee, his secretary." He points to another photo, Jeongguk's eyes quickly taking in the markings of CCTV footage.

"She's been seen for the last eight months leaving and exiting Dive's Incheon headquarters every day at 6 P.M. on the dot." Jeongguk looks up just as Namjoon cocks his head, clearly giving the pickpocket a quick up-down. What do you notice about these photos?"

Jeongguk's lips purse and he takes the folder into his own hands, leaning back into his chair. The photos are pinned to the page with paper clips and he tugs them free, flipping through them slowly. The woman clearly has a regimented schedule, he thinks to himself as he takes in how she never seems to change. Always the right hand on the door, her briefcase tucked to her chest as she steps through the archway. Her keys in her right hand, her phone nowhere to be seen. In her pocket, maybe.

"Do you see it, sweetheart?" Taehyung asks, his voice suddenly low and close to Jeongguk's ear.

He barely jumps, eyes flicking up to where the man has leaned forward, an arm slung across the back of Jeongguk's chair. There's a dark look in his eyes, a smirk playing at his lips. He doesn't look so soft anymore, Jeongguk thinks. There's almost something like a fire in his eyes as he stares the thief down.

"She keeps her hand over the lock," he says, watching as Taehyung's smirk widens. The man reaches out, tucking a stray lock of hair behind Jeongguk's ear. The touch is almost scorching. "You can't see the code, in case she forgot to flip it. The handle is tucked up tight under her arm so it's harder for anything to slip from her hands."

Taehyung almost looks proud, Jeongguk thinks as the man finally leans back. He looks over to the man behind the desk. "Well?"

Namjoon looks just as pleased and he holds out a hand. Jeongguk quickly hands back the paperwork. "You're absolutely correct," he says, "good job." and Jeongguk feels his own sort of pride well up, barely able to keep his cheeks from flushing at the praise. "And we have every reason to believe, through a bit of our own personal, risky digging, that the hard drive is within that case. Perhaps disguised as something she would need for her everyday tasks."

"And all I would need to do is get it from her?"

Namjoon nods, Taehyung as well. "In and out," the bespeckled man confirms, unknowingly echoing Jeongguk's earlier thoughts.

Jeongguk pretends to think about it, unaware of when the atmosphere in the room became so comfortable. As if he was simply talking with friends and not potential employers.

It's remarkably easy to come to a conclusion.

"Yeah, I'll do it," Jeongguk says and he can almost sense the relief that comes from the two men, the sag of their shoulders probably imperceptible to anyone who doesn't have the attention to detail that Jeongguk does. "Just a couple questions though."

"Of course," Taehyung answers and Jeongguk raises a brow at him, stretching his legs out to cross at the ankle.

"What's the probability that I'm going to need to fight anyone? What's their security look like?" The concept of combat might have been laughable to any other employer but it said a lot about the regular dangers these two faced that they didn't even bat an eye. If anything, Taehyung looks a bit uneasy at the sudden reminder, shifting his weight in his seat.

"Nearly zero," Namjoon answers for him. "They have office security of course, but they're regularly stationed on their lower floors. Their penthouse suites, like what Joonho uses, are only swept through when trouble hits." He smiles then, dimples popping. "If you're as good as we think you are, the worst you'll have to deal with is a papercut. However," he continues, waving a hand, "if you'd be more comfortable carrying a weapon of some kind we will leave that up to your own discretion."

"Do you carry a gun?" Jeongguk asks, curious, and Taehyung snorts.

Namjoon, to his credit, only seems the slightest bit sheepish. "Ah, no. Unfortunately every time I've been on either side of a weapon it's never ended well."

" Pft, yeah, that's what we'll call it," Taehyung laughs and Jeongguk looks between them, curious about the story untold here. The man stands, then, and he holds out a hand. Jeongguk's eyes drop down to it, noting the sparkling watch around his wrist and that ring on his finger. Green and gold set in a silver band. He's never seen anything quite like it- and he's seen plenty of jewelry. "I believe we're done for now- we have a few more kinks in the plan to work out on our end. Let me walk you back downstairs?"

Jeongguk doesn't even notice the soft smile on Namjoon's face as he takes Taehyung's hand, letting the mysterious man guide him back to the elevator. "Yeah, sure," he says belatedly and Taehyung shoots him a smile over his shoulder.

Things are fairly quiet as they step inside, the man quickly pressing the button for the ground floor. The elevator lights cast a bright glow around them and Jeongguk has the brief moment of thinking that Taehyung looks almost ethereal where he stands. His skin glowing as if kissed by the sun, his hair curling around his ears and gently hanging in front of his eyes.

"You know, if all I'd needed to do to get you to work for me was add enough zeroes I would have taken you to a fancier restaurant," Taehyung suddenly says and Jeongguk's stomach sinks. The man looks over with a grin, but it quickly falls when he sees Jeongguk's scowl. "Uh, wait-."

"I wasn't under the impression that was a work meeting," Jeongguk says, eyes narrowing. He goes to tug his hand free but Taehyung is quick to shake his head, grip tightening around Jeongguk's fingers.

"No, wait, I was only joking," Taehyung takes a step closer, eyes growing wider as his lips pout. He doesn't look the same as the man with the fire before. He's softer now. More befitting the cardigan draped over his shoulders and the messy curls that hang in his eyes. "The date was real," he confirms and that pit in Jeongguk's stomach eases, but only slightly. "I wouldn't take you out if I didn't mean it, sweetheart. I promise. I genuinely wanted to spend time with you."

"Even though you wanted to hire me." Jeongguk isn't entirely convinced, although he can't deny how Taehyung's words make a blush crawl up his neck, his cheeks finally tinting pink.

"I want to appreciate your quick fingers in all forms, sweetheart," Taehyung grins and Jeongguk chokes, spinning to resolutely stare at the mirrored doors. He sees Taehyung's grin widen but he stays silent for the moment, the two of them watching as the floor numbers slowly dwindle, approaching the ground floor.

The silence doesn't last, however, as they hit floor ten, then nine, then eight. Taehyung swings their hands lightly, clearly unwilling to let Jeongguk go despite the brief spat. "I know I've joked, but will you let me take you out again? I meant what I said. I want to get to know you, Jeongguk."

The thief doesn't meet his eyes as the numbers hit four, three, two. "I'll think about it," he says as the doors slide open and he hears Taehyung huff beside him. He finally looks over his shoulder, hand pulling free from the man's grasp. "I have to make you work for it, you know," Jeongguk says with a smirk of his own. "You're gonna have to make this up to me."

He steps into the hallway just as Taehyung throws his head back with a laugh, the glow of the lights only accentuating his bright smile and how his eyes sparkle. Jeongguk wonders if it's already too late. Or too early. "Oh, don't worry, sweetheart," he says as the doors start to close between them, "I don't do anything half assed."


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