Healing Hands (P2)

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Tubbo laughed, "Sorry."

"Hey, d'you mind waiting here a minute. I have to go talk to Wilbur."

Tubbo tilted his head. "Is that the one who knows my dad?"

"Yeah, all ghosty and shit."

Tubbo pouted. "Tell him I apologise please, I think I hurt his feelings."

"Sure thing man, I'm sure he'll be fine anyway." Tommy turned to leave.

"Wait Tommy, I have a question."


"Isn't your mutation technically lava and not magma, because you're above the Earth's crust?"

Tommy had never pondered this before, but he'd just thought magma sounded cool. The mutated blinked, "You know what, I'm not sure."

Even though he told Tubbo that Wilbur would probably be fine, Tommy quickly realised he was wrong even before he'd reached Wilbur and Philza's room. He was playing guitar and trying to hum along but with a gravely voice.

Despite the broken lyrics, Tommy recognised the song as one of Wilbur's own. The specific part right now being:

'I don't know what is wrong with me, but I'm scared, pissed off, and lonely'

Yep, something was definitely up.

Tommy knocked on the doorframe timidly, and Wilbur stopped strumming, he looked up with an almost deadpan expression as if to say 'what do you want?'

"Uh, hey Will. You don't look so hot right now so I came to say hello."

Wilbur's expression showed obvious disbelief when he raised one eyebrow.

"Its true!" Tommy's tail flickered back and forth in annoyance.

"If fine," Wilbur replied, at least that's what Tommy interpreted the almost distorted voice to be.

Tommy was determined to get Wilbur to open up, "No you're not, your voice is all wack."

"A sore throat doesn't indicate someone's mood Tommy."

With an accusatory point, Tommy countered "Yeah but for you it probably does."

Wilbur rolled his eyes but didn't say anything. Tommy took this as a sign that he could come in and he sat next to Wilbur who went back to strumming for a bit.

When he finally put the guitar back down, Tommy had to admit to himself  that he was so close to getting up and leaving out of boredom, but also listening to Wilbur play was nice.

The ghosty boy cleared his throat and turned to Tommy. "Thanks mate." he said quietly to Tommy, who smiled, "Yeah, no problem Wil."

When Wilbur played his guitar again this time, Tommy didn't mind just sitting and listening. It was not long after that footsteps were heard outside the door, and it turned out that Philza and Technoblade had come to see Wilbur as well. Surprised to find Tommy and Wilbur sitting peacefully together, the other two just came and sat down with them. Phil wrapped a wing around the group.

Wilbur decided to strum a more cheery tune, feeling safe and happy with his family.

It was a lovely five minutes, before yet another set of footsteps outside, yet alarmingly they were rushed. Much to the SBI's surprise, Tubbo skidded to a halt in the doorway.

He was taken aback by the sight of all four SBI sitting in a sort of huddle on the floor and ended up muddling his words, "Oh um I'm really sorry to interrupt and I know this is awkward but uh I just thought of something really important I should probably tell you-"

Jolted from the peaceful lull, Tommy was slightly annoyed and Technoblade had to shuffle away to avoid being burnt, "Spit it out man."

"I uh, there's danger-!" Tubbo blurted.

"Well I mean you could probably use some context y'know."

"Right, right." Tubbo took a breath to calm himself and Phil motioned for him to come in and sit down, folding his wing back.

"So, a little bit before I left a mutated showed up and well, it was pretty standard they were going to be um... 'Gotten rid of' but instead they wanted to make a deal."

"They'd give the location of a band of mutated out in the forest in return for their own safety. The town agreed to take it. I'm thinking now that maybe, um, you could have been the mutated they were talking about."

...Way to kill the mood Tubbo.

Phil frowned and sighed,"We've dealt with raids before. It'll be fine."

"Are you sure? I mean like, there were at least thirty people who had already signed up while I was there."

30? They'd dealt with groups of five or even ten before, but thirty seemed a bit excessive. Phil's wings ruffled as if a chill had gone through them. And maybe there was a chill, but it was settling in his chest and not from the air around him."How long do you think we have until they'd get here?"

"Maybe a week. Or two." That wasn't a lot of time, why was everything happening so fast? Phil couldn't keep up with everything that was going wrong recently. He got up and claimed to go get a drink of water.

Tubbo bit the inside of his cheek, it seemed that the only thing we was good for was bringing bad news. Tubbo made to leave with Tommy as well, but felt a hoofed hand on his shoulder. It was Technoblade.

"No one's blamin' you for what's going on. In fact you probably helped by warning us."

"Thanks" Tubbo said unconvincingly, but Techno wasn't finished.

"Also, I'm, not sayin' anything for certain but it sounds to me that you've not got anywhere to go right now. You'd be welcome to stay."

Tubbo turned around, eyes wide, and Tommy called impatiently from outside. "Really? You'd let me stay?"


Tubbo beamed, and went after his friend.

Bing bong I wonder who this utterly totally completely mysterious mutated could be~ and sorry things are going fast in the book right now but idk how to pace things or whatever. Just listen to Phil, he knows.

Sincerely, a cup with a cat in it

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