"Cookie" [A]

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In which Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung are parents to one beautiful little boy and soon to be beautiful little girl. A family of three becoming a family of four- or so they thought.


Word count; 2472

"Mommy!" The six-year-old boy ran into the house and down the hall into the bedroom to see his mommy also known as Taehyung laying on the bed. With a huge grin, the boy ran over and stepped on a box he placed by the bed so he'd be able to climb into bed during the nighttime when both parents were sleeping. "Look!" Jeongsan pushed the paper into Taehyung's face out of excitement.

"Such a nice scribble." Taehyung let the boy keep the drawing close to his face and Jeongsan pouted before pulling the paper away and then showing it again. "This is daddy, this is me, this is you and this is baby sister." Jeongsan pointed at his stick figured people. Taehyung cooed as he took the paper in his hands and brought the boy in for a hug, kissing his forehead.

"You want to hang this on the fridge baby?" Taehyung asked with a hum followed after. Jeongsan nodding, "Can we?!" He asked excitedly. Taehyung nodded and watched the boy get down from the bed before getting up himself. The boy took a minute, holding his very huge pregnant belly before following Jeongsan. Being almost nine months pregnant and have a hyperactive six-year-old was quite hard. Though it wasn't that hard considering he has an amazing husband.

"He showed you?" Jungkook was heard. Taehyung waddled over to the fridge and grabbed the magnet before putting the drawing on the fridge. "Yes he did. A little masterpiece don't you think?" Taehyung looked at Jungkook who finished putting the groceries away and nodded. "We made that masterpiece." He tilted his head. Taehyung furrowing his eyebrows. "Well I mean- Jeongsan made the masterpiece-" He explained.

"Well okay smart one, we made the owner of that masterpiece." Jungkook winked. Taehyung's eyes widened as Jeongsan bit into his cookie. "What?" He asked and Taehyung shook his head. "Go grab your homework and then you'll get a cookie." Taehyung grabbed the cookie from Jeongsan's hand and slapped the back of Jungkook's head.

Jeongsan pouted alongside Jungkook who rubbed the back of his head. The Jeon family consisted of three- or four if you count the one in Taehyung's belly. Jungkook and Taehyung met back in high school, dated through half of it, and at the end of the high school year, Taehyung was pregnant. Taehyung knew he was able to get pregnant since fourteen- when he was suddenly bleeding from his penis and then his mom had some explaining to do.

It was hard explaining to his friends and Jungkook... especially Jungkook since he was hard-headed but when Taehyung fell pregnant- well that's when Jungkook actually believed it. Would anyone believe Jungkook if he said he purposely came in Taehyung just to see if the whole thing was true? Well.. yeah that's what he did but he did not regret it at all. At least now he tied Taehyung down to him for life with two kids to raise.

Jeongsan had both of their personalities and definitely looked more like Jungkook but did have some of Taehyung mixed in. Just very much looked like Jungkook's little twin. Eventually, after a year they got married and now here they were- also expecting another little bundle of joy. A soon to be family of four.

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