"First Heartbreak" [A]

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Jeon Jungkook the school jock who is assumingly straight gets caught in the locker room with Kim Taehyung.


Word count; 2321

Taehyung ran while trying to put his shirt on, the fresh hickey's covering his neck and chest as he did so. The boy's heart raced with every step he took, not wanting to look back. Taehyung was never a runner though. He has asthma so it was quite hard to be an athlete when he had limited air in his lungs. Though right now he really didn't have a choice but to run until his legs gave out.

Taehyung looked back to see the three boys running behind him. "Get back here you gay bastard!" One of the boys yelled. The slurs.. what did he gain from calling Taehyung that?! God.. he hated straight men. Taehyung pushed through the doors and ran down the stairs of the school before hurrying towards the fields where he thought he could get through the trail and hide. Though his lungs didn't want to cooperate with him.

Taehyung ran and ran until eventually his legs gave out and he was wheezing for air. The boy looked back and the three who were chasing him were dropping their bags and pulling up their sleeves. "Please-" Taehyung breathed out but could barely catch his breath. "P-please do-don't-" Taehyung tried to finish his words and get up but one of the males kicked him down which had him landing on the grass. "Pathetic, you haven't even ran that far and you're wheezing already? Guess you do suck at a lot of things, even breathing."

"Apparently he sucks dick too." Another male laughed once Taehyung looked up with horror in his eyes. Taehyung never felt so scared for his life. The leader of the group grabbed Taehyung by the shirt and pulled him up. "You think you could just spread your disease around? Getting all up in Jungkook's space and for what? He's not a faggot like you." He held Taehyung's jaw tightly with a smirk since Taehyung looked absolutely terrified. Shaking his head, Taehyung felt the tears start to fall.

"You want to cry? Huh faggot? I'll give you something to cry about!" The male threw Taehyung onto the ground. Taehyung collided with the grass and wheezed before he felt the pain of being kicked in the back and stomach. The boy cried out, curling into a ball. Before Taehyung could even hide his face though the male struck him in the face which had Taehyung instantly bleeding.

Taehyung tried to focus on his breathing only, letting the boys treat him like a rag doll. The kicks and punches continued for what seemed like hours but within five minutes, they stopped. The male grabbed Taehyung's collar and pulled him up a bit. "Maybe this beat the gay out of your pathetic ass. Next time you'll think twice about going near Jungkook." He spat on Taehyung while pushing him down.

Taehyung winced and held his side as he felt the blood dribble down from his nose. Taehyung stayed on the grass for a good minute just staring at the sky before he broke into a sob. A heartbreaking sob. Though he couldn't really cry much since it hurt to even breathe. Though eventually when Taehyung got up, he checked to see his bag that was empty.

Taehyung gulped and looked to see all his things but his inhaler on the ground. His phone was shattered and all his paper and homework were ripped. The boy wheezed even more than before as he laid back on the grass. It felt like he couldn't even feel anything in his body like he was numb. Maybe he was in shock.. but god he just wanted to die right there and then.

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