
"Mr. Shen Wei! Are you okay?" Waking up from his nightmare, Shen Wei couldn't help but shiver in fear.

"I am your doctor, this is your last check up before you can be discharged" Shen Wei sighed then narrowed his eyes, he recalled that he was sleeping in Yunlan's arms a moment ago. While sinking in his thoughts, his phone started ringing, he then picked it up.

"I am coming to pick you up in few minutes, please get ready honey" Wang said before hanging up the call, she took a much needed deep breath feeling a slight fear to meet with her husband. Ever since she lied to him, she had been feeling uneasy.

The two arrived home in a hurry they'd been very late to attend the New Year ceremony at the company. Shen Wei jumped inside the bath quickly while Wang was preparing his clothes for him and trying to get herself ready. The alarm rang to remind Wang that it was the time to drink her medicine when she went to open her bag and couldn't find it inside.

"Shen Wei! Baby! Have you seen my medication?" She was worried that was the last blister.

"Check your bedside table drawer" Shen Wei was less interested when he was busy putting on his clothes.

"They were in my bag this afternoon, where the hell are they?" She looked everywhere when she suddenly remembered that they could have fallen in the hospital when she was grabbing her phone.

"Oh, I remember now! they sure have fallen from my bag while I was visiting you in the hospital. I remember I had them with me at that time" Quickly Shen Wei remembered the ambiguous behaviour of Zhao Yunlan when he was hiding something. His face looked pale suddenly and terrified. Wang received no response from him but felt the dark aura surrounding him. She was unaware what could've made him angry, she became a bit worried. 
"How could you be so clumsy and lose your pills, they are really hard to get" Shen Wei began shouting, turning to look at her. Wang was looking at him in confusion. He never treated her this way before or raised his voice against her. He was very kind and caring the man that any woman could dream of. But since that Zhao Yunlan entered their life, his personality changed and he started acting weird by every passing day.

"Is there something wrong?" Concern was written all over her face.

"I am sorry, I am just too stressed because of that despicable intruder. I can't seem to accept his presence, I can't Wang. I am suffering" As much as Shen Wei wanted to share the truth with someone and lift the burden from his shoulder. He felt it would be better to keep this to himself because if he said anything, this woman will be the first to be affected badly by the horrifying truth.

"Don't let him get to you, darling, you are so strong" Shaking her head, Wang answered, and came to hug her husband who seemed falling into a state of depression. Few hours passed before the two could arrive at the big conference hall where it was set and prepared for such a big celebration. They looked very late for the members of the Shen family, the owner of the company when all the guests were already there.

Shen Wei started greeting the elites men and women of the high society with his wife. As a couple they looked very stunning together and eye catching. Loads of girls envied Wang for having such an alluring breathtaking man as a life partner. Little they know about him. Few of his surroundings only knew the real Shen Wei and what kind of monster and wicked person he was. 

"Here my dear sister, your favourite cocktail juice. Oh! Sorry Wang, because you are now pregnant, you can't drink alcohol" Yezun thought, frowning teasingly. He and Wang bursted out laughing. The poor girl played along and took the glass of juice while feeling so hurt inside. She gave Wei a mournful look.

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