The Last Time we Meet as Enemies

Start from the beginning

"Momo Yaoyorozu...You quirk allows you to create things, probably using up your energy like many other quirks. Pretty powerful if you know how to use it." The male once again stated as he picked up the dart and jumped onto another one of Shoji's multiplied arms, spinning the dart around in his hand and bending his right arm so that his hand was near his ear, as if aimed to stab from the side. Shoji's eyes widened and he quickly jumped back, but unsuccessfully as the villain followed, grabbing onto Shoji's hand and holding tight to not fall off from the sudden movement, before leaping forward and aiming his left hand towards Shoji's throat and the other still bent to aim at Shoji's left side.

Shoji was about to dodge, but didn't have time as he felt the grasp on his throat immediately tighten as the villain's hand made contact, and the other harshly stab the side of his neck, and as soon as the needle made contact the dart's components made their way into Shoji's skin, Shoji stumbled, his quirk deactivating and returning to his normal dupli-arms, before falling to the ground, unconscious within seconds.

"Shoji!" Yaoyorozu called out in shock and terror, but before she could react, the male jumped at her and pinned her to the ground, his hand around her throat, but strangely not tight enough to choke her. Yaoyorozu gasped for air anyway, the trepidation that any second it might be taken away from her causing her to slowly begin to hyperventilate. She glared at the green eyes that were looking back at her, almost as if considering something, which Yaoyorozu immediately took use of and attempted to move her foot, trying to get the male off of her. The villain quickly tensed up and pressed harder, the grip on her throat tightening slightly, causing her to gasp from shock and fear. Suddenly, the villain leaned forward and slowly spoke to her, his voice quiet but clear as he leaned close to her ear.

"Make a tracker. Quick." Yaoyorozu frowned and glared at the villain, who moved away from Yaoyorozu's ear and was now looking at her with slight impatience in his eyes.

"I will never do anything of what you command me to, villain!" She rasped as gritted her teeth in anger. To her surprise, the male let out a sigh and slightly relaxed the grip on her throat, letting Yaoyorozu breath almost normally. She frowned at the male and was about to attack him again when he glanced around, as if checking if anyone was around, and standing off her, dusting himself off before offering a hand to Yaoyorozu.

"I don't have much time, but please, trust me. Tell Nezu that the "troublemaker" had asked for a favor. You're going to place the locator on me; as a matter of fact, on my skin, on my nape even better, and then make a tracking device for yourself to be able to locate me. Can you do that?" Yaoyorozu gaped at the strange male in front of her, who was still reaching his hand out in front of him as he looked Yaoyorozu in the eyes, hope echoing in his own eyes as he slightly leaned more forward so that Yaoyorozu could take his hand.

"I..." Yaoyorozu reluctantly started, slowly moving away as her eyes darted towards her unconscious classmate.

"Please. If anyone sees me doing this, it will be the end for all of us." The male pleaded as he desperately moved his hand even closer. Yaoyorozu gulped as she glanced once again at her classmate, still laying on the floor lifelessly, before looking back at the male, who was reaching out to her, his hand just barely shaking, but enough for Yaoyorozu to realize just what the villain was actually feeling. She took a deep breath, and taking the hand in front of her firmly, she spoke,

"I pray that there is still something humane in you...Please do not betray my trust."


Midoriya hissed as he turned his head again, for what seemed like the hundredth time this minute. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to choose my nape for this...Oh shit, it hurts so much...Midoriya touched the tracker gently, wincing again from the contact and straightening, trying his best not to rip the tracker out of his skin and be done with it. Mustard glanced at him, worry etched on his face, and Midoriya looked away, not able to turn his head away to avoid his eyes.

"Izuku...Are you alright?" Mustard asked hesitantly, leaning forward as he tried to get Midoriya to look at him. Midoriya glanced at him and nodded, only to let out a loud hiss and a groan as he cradled his nape, around the spot where the tracker was attached. Most of his hair covered his nape, so he wasn't worried about someone seeing it, but if he continued to rub the back of his neck in pain and wincing whenever he moved his neck, someone was blind to notice, which Mustard already seemed to have.

"I'm fine." Midoriya mumbled as he straightened his neck again, looking forward and forward only as the two continued walking towards the "cafeteria" room. Mustard eyed him with suspicion for a few more seconds, before his expression turned into an angry frown and he grabbed onto Midoriya's hand, quickly turning him around so that Midoriya's back was towards him. Midoriya opened his mouth to speak, panicking, but closed it as he bit on his lip harshly, muffling a groan that escaped his lips as Mustard forced Midoriya to lean his head forward, an awfully painful stretch and moving of the tracker's legs making him shake and grip tightly onto Mustard's side behind him, trying to push him away. Mustard stood there for a few seconds, unmoving, before Midoriya took a shaky breath. "Kohaku...Please, keep quiet about-"

"Did Shigaraki do this? Keisha?" Mustard snapped as he turned Midoriya around, looking him in the eyes angrily. Although the anger wasn't aimed at him, that didn't make it any less easier for Midoriya.

"Neither! Neither, I swear! That's why you need to keep quiet!" Midoriya hissed as he glanced around the corridor, tensing as he watched two willingly-joined members of the league walk toward their way, not directly at them, but still causing Midoriya to tense up. If Mustard said anything now, those two could give him out to Shigaraki, and then it will be even more than just the end for him.

Suddenly, Mustard yanked his hand and Midoriya reluctantly followed. They stepped into the room they shared with a few other people, and then into the bathroom inside of the room, closing the door on the only lock that existed in the whole underground level of the base. Before Midoriya could begin to explain himself, Mustard put out his hand, signaling him to stop. Midoriya hesitantly closed his mouth, gnawing at his lip nervously as he tried to figure out what Mustard could possibly be thinking. He didn't look pleased, that was for sure, but it almost looked like he didn't know where to direct his anger. Finally, after taking a few deep breaths, Mustard looked at him.

"Hey, Izuku...Is this, you know...Actually...?" Mustard trailed off, glancing at the door before glancing at Midoriya, his cacao eyes searching Midoriya's emerald. Midoriya immediately realized what Mustard was thinking, and a truly happy smile crawled onto his features, and Midoriya couldn't help holding back a chuckle that escaped his throat. He looked at Mustard, eyes glistening with happiness as his smile truly shined for the first time in years, and Mustard knew all he had to know. Before Midoriya could realize what was happening, Mustard jumped at Midoriya, hugging him tightly as he shoved his face into Midoriya's shoulder, his own shoulders shaking. Although, Midoriya knew it wasn't because Mustard got the wrong idea. It was because he understood.

"We're gonna be free..." Midoriya whispered happily, his own grip onto his friend tightening as he squeezed his eyes shut, laughing weakly but happily as he grinned into Mustard's shoulder. "Kohaku, we'll leave this place, we'll finally be free...It's over."

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