Chapter 5: Sayin the truth to my bestfriend

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Angel's  POV

Hi there and it's  monday!!!  Im so happy that Im going to school but there is something that I really don't  want to talk about is my disease  but never mind Im gonna be late for school but when I was for heading for door then mom suddenly said stop and I said why mom?! you shouldn't  go to school today she said and I said why?! Because maybe nakakahawa yang sakit mo what if there something wring happen to you and what if Im not there to help you so I decided to sign you up or enroll you to home school so that mababantayan kita hindi tulad ng pag nasa school ka she said.  Im speechless  and after a minute I said why mom how could you do this you dont wanna live me justlike a normal teenager!! after I said that I ran upstairs and slammed  the door and locked myself inside my room then mom followed and while knocking she said angel open the door paguusapan natin ito and I said no!!  angrily and she said of if you're  head is cool go downstairs and eat lunch later ok and I didn't  replied then she leave the room. So I decided to call valentine
7:30  a.m

Riiiiiiiiing riiiiiing
A: hi valentine
V: hi bestie why are you absent today?
A: uhmm I can't tell you right now uhmm come over to my house after school tomorrow  and I'll  tell you why.
V: ok then see you tomorrow. Gotta go go coz I have still classes
A: bye

Then I ended the call then time run si fast its already 12:00 in the noon then my head was relaxed so I go down stairs and I apologized to mom and explain why I got mad then she forgive me then I asked her mom when do I start home schooling?  Mom said maybe next week? k I replied then after I ate lunch just like I said earlier that time runs fast and Its already 7:00 in the morning( A/N sorry for the fast time change) then I go down stairs eat dinner then after I ate I rush to the computer inside my room then locked the door then I searched youtube and searched Darren Espanto and there are a lot of videos displayed then I watched the finals of the voice kids and Darren Espanto is the 2nd placer!!!  But for me he is the winner  then time passed after I watched a lot of videos about him and some of his performance I brushed my teeth go to bed and sleep tight.

7:00 a.m.

*yawning* ohh Im awake already but its still early I guess nasanay na akong waking up early then mom knocked and open the door and she said hi anak good morning come its time for breakfast ok mom I replied. Then when Im done eating I watch TV and read a book then time passed by Im still watching tv and reading random books and its 11:30 already then I took a shower and just in time mom called me to eat lunch then when Im done I look at my phone and I got a text message from a random number or a random person then when I was about to read the text message mom called me again and said clean my room. After wards Im finally done cleaning you up room I said with a victory dance then when I was done I rush downstairs watch tv and get some sleep and I woke just in time to meet valentine at my house then somebody ring the doorbell and it was valentine then I let her come in and then we go up to my room and I tell everything that happened to me then she said I feel bad for you about that but dont loss hope and you will be healed and I will pray for you and I said thanks and after that she go home and I get my cellphone and read the text message it says

Hi anak how are you I miss you so much.

Then I let mom to read it and I said to myself who could that be???

(A/N hi guys sorry for the very long update nawalan kasi kami ng wifi and because of that I didn't  update this book and please comment your answer about my question and don't  be a shy reader please vote!!)

Thankiiee so much

A Chance To Be With YouTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon