Happy Beans Day ~Reclaim the Golden Harp!~, Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Will, you don't know Happy Beans Day?" Ace asked her. Willow, now feeling embarrassed, became slightly red and shook her head. "I'm sorry...I don't." She said.

"What an ignorant, little puppy. I suppose I, Crewel-sama, must teach you. As educating puppies is my job." Crewel tells her as he begins with his explanation and a small presentation of one of the school's traditional events. ""Happy Beans Day" is a traditional Twisted Wonderland event that occurs in February. A long time ago, there was a place in this land called "Happiness Valley". There's a reason the place was named "happiness". The naturally rich, fertile soil... And there was a magic harp with a beautiful voice." During his explanation, Crewel showed her an image of the harp. It was a golden harp with the image of a beautiful woman with small angel wings and three leaves with the handle being a vine.

"The magic harp's song brought happiness to all the people, animals.. and plants that lived in the valley. However, a jealous giant monster came to the valley and stole the harp away. But the instant it was taken, the plants and people began to wither away. Then, a farmer just happened to get his hands on some magic beans. Those beans were the magic "Happy Bean"!" Crewel then presented a small box and opened it up. Inside rested three small green coloured beans. "The beanstalk that grew from the Happy Bean grew up into the sky and to the giant's home overnight. The farmer climbed up the beanstalk to recover the glorious harp. When the farmer returned he cut down the beanstalk to get rid of the giant chasing him. And with that, Happiness Valley returned to its natural richness with the magic harp's song–so the story goes. Taking back that which has been taken. Taking it back in full, in fact."

"I get it, that's pretty educational." Grim said with a nod.

"And since the farmer got rid of the giant with beans, that kind of exorcism has become a tradition." Deuce said.

"Good boy. That's right." Crewel praised.

"I suppose every world has its own unique traditions." Willow mused, smiling. She giggled lightly, happy to learn a new fact about her school and this world's folklore. Then she became confused again. While the story itself was certainly interesting, how does it involve this school's event? To answer her question, Crewel continued. "But – here at Night Raven College "Happy Beans Day" is a little different. The "Happy Beans Day" we hold here... Is a competition where all of the students are split regardless of dorm or year into two teams of farmers and giants to retrieve the harp... It's the Farmer-Monster Faceoff Sports Day!!"

The whole class looked at their alchemy teacher in shock. Wait, what?! Wait, this was a battle?! "Eeh? The hell." Ace said in bewilderment.

"The giants were always running around to avoid being hit and exorcised by the beans, and meanwhile, the farmers would attack. Putting those both together created quite a confusing rebellion battle." Crewel tells them.

Willow was already beginning to get very concerned about this event and it hasn't even started yet. "What little self-control..." She said in a worried tone. When the day comes, she hoped that nobody will get hurt too badly.

"It was quite a turbulent brawl, and it was brought up that an event could serve as part of your physical training, so... The Night Raven College version of "Happy Beans Day" was created." Crewel tells them. He then claps his hands together. "Crewel-sama's special lecture ends here! Next, Trappola. Spade. Lockhart. The lottery." The trio went over to Crewel's desk and they reached pulled out a tag from the box and read out which team they'll be in.

"Al~right... there. Ah, I'm on the Monster team." Ace said with a light shrug.

"Hm, I'm on the farmer team." Deuce said.

"Eh... are you serious?" Ace asked.

"Oh, we're on the farmer team too." Grim said with a big smile.

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