Chapter Sixteen

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Hayleigh's POV

I sat on the couch waiting for Chris. I was looking around at all the family pictures that filled the room. Chris was an only child, and you could tell his parents loved him very much. It made me think back on my family, and how much they loved me and my sister. It brought tears to my eyes. I missed them so much. Tears were running down my cheeks when I heard Chris coming down the stairs. I quickly wiped them away, hoping Chris wouldn't notice. When Chris got into the livingroom, he sat on the couch next to me, but he was really close. Is he coming on to me? I guess it wouldn't really bother me that much. I was still drunk, and I could feel it. My head was starting to pound. Chris looked at me.
"Everything okay?" He said, worried.
"Yeah, I just have a headache." He continued looking at me.
"Do you want some Advil?" I nodded and he walked out of the room. I sat there awkwardly, waiting for him. Finally, he came back with Advil and some water.
"You have a really nice house." Chris smiled at me, almost like he knew it but didn't want to brag.
"Wanna see the rest?" I smiled, nodding. We got up and he took me upstairs.

It literally took a half an hour for him to show me his whole house, which was HUGE, might I add. The last place he brought me was his room. It was normal looking. A queen size bed, which was actually made, a dark wood dresser, a walk in closet, and a huge flat screen tv.
"I can either set up a bed for you in the guest room, or you can sleep in here and I'll sleep on the floor." I smiled at him, sitting on his bed. "Point taken," he laughed, setting up blankets on the floor. It was midnight, and I think we were both ready for bed. He shut his door and turned the lights out. I laid on his bed, looking up at the ceiling. I wasn't tired. I rolled over to see if Chris was still awake.
"What's wrong, Hayleigh?" God, it's like he was in my mind or something.
"Nothing, I was just thinking, you could sleep up here to, if you wanted. I mean, it is your bed and all." He laughed.
"Are you sure?" I smiles and nodded, then I realized it was dark and he probably didn't see me. I was such an idiot.
"Yes," I said, giggling. Chris got up an got into his bed.

We were laying in his bed, both of us, and he just kept inching towards me. I grabbed his hand, and I could tell he was happy. He cuddled up next to me. I laid facing him, and him facing me. I bit my lip, not knowing what to do. Should I kiss him? No, I might come off too strong. Before I knew it, Chris kissed me. Those damn butterflies came back again. I smiles against his lips. He placed his hand on my waist, and I leaned in, kissing him again. Oh my god, was I actually getting feelings for him? I really didn't just want to be a hookup. He moved his hand slowly, from my waist up under my shirt. I shivered, getting goosebumps.
"Is this too much for you?"
"No," I said, kissing his cheek. This was it. I was going to make my move.

Whoa!!!!! What do you think will happen with Hayleigh and Chris after tonight? Do you think they'll get together? Give me you feedback😊

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