Chapter Five

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I woke up the sound of a suitcase zipping. I rolled over and saw Derek hunched over his bed, messing with the zipper.
"Having some difficulties are we?" He jumped, quite high might I add.
"You scared the shit out of me, but look who's finally awake. Out of bed we go. We have a plane to catch." I slowly made my way out of the bed, once again, catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror. We have to stop meeting like this. I look atrocious in the morning. I ran quickly into the bathroom, closing the door behind me.
"Someone's in a hurry, huh?" Derek said. He was so cute. Gah, I couldn't even help myself. I'm sure that under all his shirts, okay maybe he only had one on, but still, he had a very nice hard six pack. I started daydreaming while in the bathroom. What I would do to get that. I giggled to myself.
"Tia, let's go!"
"I'm coming. Calm yourself." I got dressed quickly and came out of the bathroom, packing my stuff. I was going to be alone with Derek for the next couple of months. Would it be bad if we just had a fling? Nah, that couldn't be too bad. No one had to find out. Well, here goes plan to seduce Derek. Once again, I laughed, out loud.
"Stop day dreaming about me over there," Derek said jokingly. If only he knew that I really was.
"Someone's a little full of them self aren't they?" I giggled.
"Alright, enough chit chat. Let's get this show on the road. Here we come North Carolina!" Derek seemed really excited. I was surprised. Was I really that much fun? There's no way. He got to travel the US everyday; this wasn't anything new for him.

We headed out to the car and off we went. We sat in the airport waiting room for a good two hours before we were able to go through security. Everything checked out. We boarded.
"First class, huh? You guys really know how to take care of people."
"It's for your safety. We're being cautious just in case." We had the whole section to ourselves. I found a window seat, and Derek plopped his sexy as in the seat right next to me. I felt my heart start to race. That's weird. It's never done that before. Not even for Charlie. Charlie was my ex-boyfriend of three years.

"Gabbs, have you seen Charlie anywhere?"
"No, maybe he made a rest stop." Gabby giggled. We were all pretty drunk. It was the summer before senior year, and we were leaving the dream. We had the house to ourselves for the weekend. Almost the whole, soon to be, senior class was there. It was awesome! I made my way up the stairs, headed tithe bathroom. I heard some unusual noises coming from behind the closed door. I knocked, no one answered, so I opened it. To my surprise, Charlie had a girl vent over the sink. Both of then had their pants dropped to their ankles.

Charlie and I hadn't talked since. I threw all of his stuff out my bedroom window and told him if he wanted it, he was going to have to come get it off my front lawn before some homeless person did. Even though it was only a couple months ago, it didn't hurt as much as I thought it was going to. I moved on quickly. I hadn't had a boyfriend since, but I was fine with that.
"Now, Tia-" Derek said, waking me from my thoughts. "You have to start to get yourself mentally prepared to your new life. You are no longer Tia. You are Hayleigh Sweeney."
"I know. I've played it over in my head a million times."
"Good. Just keep playing it over. We have a few more hours before we touch down in North Carolina." I looked out my window, watching as we flew by the clouds. A fresh start. That's all I could think about as I closed my eyes, falling into a deep sleep.

I know these last few chapters haven't been very exciting, but I have great things planned for the chapters to come!! There's going to be some huge twists!! Let me know what you guys think so far!!

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