Chapter Four

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I sat in the car, looking out the window as we were driving. Growing up in the Big Apple, these sites were things I saw everyday. We passed by clothing stores, hair salons, restaurants, knick-knack stores, and many many cars. The traffic was going so slow. I mean, it was also five o'clock at night. People were getting out of work and heading home to see their families. I started to tear up at the thought. I was never going to see my family again. All these people take their lives and families for granted, but in reality, you never know when it'll be your last time seeing them. It broke my heart. I basically did the same thing to my family. My sister and I fought all the time. She wasn't much younger than me so it was common. I really took advantage of my parents. Once I turned sixteen and had my own car, I was never home. I was always out with friends. I remember the last thing I said to my mom...

"Honey, do you mind clearing the table and doing the dishes?"
"Yes mom, I mind. I have plans."
"Please, sweetie. It'll only take you maybe ten minutes and then you're free for the night."
"No, mom. End of story." I put my plate in the sink and headed up to my room to get ready for the night I had planned.

I had returned several hours later. It had to have been about eleven.
"Honey, you're home late."
"Wow mom. You're really gonna jump my ass now? At least I didn't break curfew, but if that's what you want then I'm more than happy to walk right back out that door and make it happen."
"Calm down. I'm not 'jumping your ass'. I'm just saying you're home late."
"Whatever mom."
That was the last thing I had ever said to my mom. We fought.
"Everything okay? You've been quiet this whole trip." No everything's not okay. I lost my whole family. Why would everything be okay? I couldn't be mad at Derek. He was here to help and protect me.
"Everything's fine. Just adoring the city since it'll be one of the last times I see it for a while." We pulled into the parking lot. I looked around and saw a whole lot of nothing. Seriously, parking lots are extremely boring. Derek got out of the car, walking around to open my door. He seriously was so sweet.
"Let's go get you a new life!" I smiled as he started walking away. I followed behind him, noticing his handcuffs on the back side of his belt. I wonder if he's a freak in bed. I couldn't think like this! At least he has a nice ass. I smiles to myself, hoping I hadn't accidentally said something out loud. We got inside the building, and it looked oddly familiar. I don't know how I know this place, but I know it from somewhere.
"There's Apollo over there!" We walked over. Apollo was short and stubby. He was not good looking AT ALL!
"Derek, good to see you again. You must be Tia. So nice to meet you. Let's go to my office so we go over this in private. Derek, you're than welcome to come along." Derek and I followed Apollo to his office. We sat down as he closed the door.
"Tia, I must say, I've enjoyed creating a new life for you." Why did he enjoy this so much!? It was under terrible circumstances.
"Your new home is going to be in Asheville, North Carolina. It's a fairly small town, but they have some great schools. They have a good college by the name of warren Wilson, but you have plenty of time to think about that."
"So, what's my new name?" Apollo handed me a North Carolina drivers license. Sweet, I didn't have to retake the test!
"Hayleigh Sweeney." I read off the little plastic card that set on the desk.
"What do you think?"
"It's pretty!"
"I'm glad you like it! Now, let's get the dirty work out of the way." Apollo laughed at himself. He wasn't very funny. Derek and I looked at each other and smiles so he didn't feel bad.
"Alright, your father, John Sweeney, works as a stock broker. He travels around a lot, so he's hardly home. Your mother died when you were ten, leaving you and your father heartbroken. Your father continued to work long hours away from home."
"That's not too hard to remember."
"No, I guess it isn't. You had a nanny up until you were sixteen, when your father finally felt you were able to stay at home alone. You moved to North Carolina to be closer to your fathers office, even though he's hardly around. You're an only child, and you're in your senior year of high school. You start school on Monday, which just so happens to be the first day of the second semester. This is your last semester of high school, so make it a good one!" With that, Derek and I walked back to the car.
"Are you ready to go check out your new house?"
"Definitely! When do we leave?"
"First thing in the morning. We'll be sharing a hotel room to be absolutely sure that nothing will happen to you." He was so sexy when he was serious, and since he was so protective over me, that made him even more sexy.
"North Carolina, here we come!" We both laughed as we made our way to the hotel.

What do you guys think so far!? I hope you all are enjoying it thus far! Leave your feed back! Again, if you think or wish something would happen, leave it in the comments below; you never know, your dreams might come true!

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