Chapter Eleven

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Authors note: before I continue on, I want to inform everyone that the chapters are going to get way more graphic with language, violence, sex, etc. if any of this bothers you, please do not read.

It was eight o'clock and I was still waiting for Chris to pick me up. I hadn't heard from him since he left my house that morning. I took out my phone, opening a new message.

Hayleigh- Chris, where are you? Are we still going to the party?

I set my phone down and headed to the kitchen.
"Hey, kid. What happened to going to that party?"
"I don't know. I haven't heard from Chris. I guess I'll just keep waiting. Worse comes to worse, he won't show up. It's not like it'll kill me. I feel like this party is going to be drug filled anyway."
"Well, when he does comes and you guys go, if you feel uncomfortable at all, call me and I will get you."
"Thanks, Derek." I grabbed a class out of the cabinet and filled it with water, then I made my way back to the livingroom. I looked at my phone. Five text messages. Oops, guess I should have grabbed my phone.

Chris- sorry, yeah I'll be there soon.
Chris- are you ready? I'll be there in five.
Chris- I'm outside. Come on.
Chris- ima give you two minutes to walk out this door or I'm coming in.
Chris- okay, I'm coming in.

Just as I read the last text, Chris walked in.
"Sorry, I set my phone down to get water. I just got your messages."
"It's cool. You ready?" I shrugged my shoulders at him. "Don't worry, Hayleigh. It'll be fun." I grabbed my coat, and headed out the door.
"Derek, I'm leaving." I closed the door behind me, following Chris to his car. He opened the door for me, which was really sweet. Chris would be a decent guy if he didn't rely on coke to make him happy.

The car ride was silent. Chris parked the car in an ally which seemed a little weird. We got out and walked into what looked like an abandoned building. Once we got inside though, the music was bumping hard, there were colorful lights going every direction, and the building was filled with people who looked to be about our age.
"I'm gonna go grab us some drinks, okay?" I nodded my head at Chris, looking around to find a place to sit. I found a couch with a bunch of kids on it, and one empty seat. Worth a shot right? I walked over.
"Hey guys, my names Hayleigh." They all looked up at me as smiled.
"Yeah, we know who you are." One of the kids said. He seemed normal. He had his khaki colored shorts on with a white and blue stripped button down shirt. He reaches his hand out to shake mine. I slowly moved my hand to his. Once our hands touched, he didn't shake it, but he kissed it. I blushed a little. People around here really knew how to make new people feel at home.
"I'm Adam. I believe we have a class together. English maybe?" Now that he said that, he did look familiar.
"Nice to meet you. Mind if I sit?" He noises and I sat on the couch. Chris walked over, handing me a cup.
"Hayleigh, get up. You can sit on my lap." I got up, Chris taking my seat, then he grabbed me by the waist and pulled my on his lap. I was a little uncomfortable, but there was limited seating. I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw someone watching me. When I turned my head, the were gone. Who the hell was watching me? I was a little freaked out. I took a sip of my drink. Adam pulled out the same type of tray that Chris had the other night. He then pulled a bag out that had that white powder in it. I looked back at Chris.
"You okay, Hayleigh?" I nodded at him. He placed his hand on my thigh. Once again I saw someone watching me; This time when I looked up, I watched them walk into the bathroom.
"Chris, I'll be right back. I have to use the bathroom." I got up, making my way into the bathroom. When I walked in, I saw Jasmine standing in front of the mirror. She turned around and stared me down. I could see the anger in her eyes.
"What do you think you're doing? I thought we were friend?" I looked at her confused.
"I really don't know what you're talking about, jas." She looked back at me with even more anger in her eyes.
"You're here with Chris. We haven't broken up yet, you know."
"Jas, there is nothing going on with me and Chris. I promise you that much. We're here as friends. He wanted me to come and help him keep his mind off things."
"Yeah, I know how Chris is and that is NOT what he wants. Watch yourself, Hayleigh. You've made the wrong enemy." Jasmine walked out. I started to feel a little dizzy. I couldn't see straight; everything was all blurry. I felt along the wall, trying to find the door, but I collapsed to the ground before reaching it. What was happening to me. Next thing I knew, everything was black.

Uh oh! What's happening to Tia!? Yes, I will still refer to her as Tia sometimes. Was it Jasmine or Chris who did this to her? What do you guys think!? I know, major cliffhanger, but I promise to update later so you guys find out what happens!!

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