Chapter Thirteen

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I laid in bed all night just looking up at the ceiling. Every time I would roll over, only a few minutes had passed, but it felt like hours. I had all these questions running through my mind. I wanted to know what happened to me. No, I NEEDED to know what happened to me. Did Jasmine drug me? Did Chris? What was going on in this small town in North Carolina. I rolled over again, seven o'clock. I heard Derek up and moving around. He was funny; he was trying to be quiet, but then he would drop something and I would hear him curse. I had my back facing the doorway, and something didn't feel right. It felt like something, or someone, was watching me. I rolled over, and it was Derek. He had a tray with breakfast on it. It had pancakes, buttered just the way I liked them with a little bit of maple syrup, toast, bacon, and a glass of orange juice. He walked over to me, setting the tray on my night stand. I smiled at him.
"I figured you could use some breakfast before you go to the police station." I smiled bigger which made him laugh.
"Thanks, it really means a lot. Plus, I'm starving." I laughed, digging into my food. After breakfast, I finally rolled out of bed. I put on some jeans, a basic t-shirt, a grey hoodie, and my black converse. I threw my hair up into a bun, and left without putting any makeup on. I waited out in the car for Derek.

The roads were quiet. Granted, it was a Sunday and people were probably at church; that was a big thing around here. I kept my head propped against the window, looking out it.
"Hayleigh, it'll be okay. This will all be over before you know it, and you'll be able to move on." I looked at him, shrugging my shoulders.
"That's easy for you to say. I think I've had enough tragedy to keep me set for the rest of my life." He smirked. I kept looking out the window the rest of the ride.

Once we arrived at the police, we were greeted by the chief. He took us into his office to talk.
"Hayleigh, Derek, I'm chief Maddan. I'm sure you remember me from last night. I must tell you, when something like this happens, it's important to us because it doesn't happen around here very often. With that being said, depending on what your rape kit shows, there's a good chance we will not be able to find who did this to you." I looked at him confused.
"Why not?"
"Well, unless the place where the party was held has a camera, we're not going to see who drugged you. I know you say your friend Jasmine might have done it, but there is nothing for us to pull prints from. If you were raped, you were blacked out, so you're not going to remember a thing, and unless anyone else saw what happened in the bathroom, we have no proof."
"I guess you didn't need me here to know what happened last night. Since you don't need anything from me, can we leave now?"
"You are free to go. The hospital will call you when your rape kit comes back." I walked out to the car. I just wanted this whole thing to be over with. I now knew I was never going to find out what happened, so what was the point in caring? I still couldn't stop thinking about everything. If I was raped, I could be pregnant; I could have a disease. I guess these were all things I was going to have to face if the time came.

I was laying on the couch, watching Comedy Central when the phone rang.
"Hello, Derek speaking," he answered the phone. Derek walked into the livingroom, handing me the phone. "It's for you." I just looked at him. I didn't even want to take the call; I just wanted it all to be over. I took the phone from him.
"Hayleigh, your rape kit came back."

What do think happened to Hayleigh? What do you think she'll get or an answer? Please please please leave your comments! Tell me what you might want to see happen in the story! I'm always open to ideas to making my stories better. Over 209 views; you guys rock!!

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