Kayla Pov

As we came down the stairs, all eyes were on us, and I felt a little nervous. The boys walked up to us and I felt like I was in a movie or this was a dream so as I got down the stairs and placed my hands in Nicolas's while Danny was at the other side, I decided to pinch them.

"Damn, what was that for?" Danny said

"Okay I am not dreaming," I said

"Are you not supposed to pinch yourself to assure that?" Nicolas asked

"Nope, I am so sure now," I said.

We got to the ballroom, where everyone was and I saw Mr. and Mrs. Knight.

"I am so glad to see you, Angela." I greeted Nicolas's mother, and she pulled me into a hug.

"Babygirl, it's been so long, how have you been? and by the way, the three of you look stunning," Angela commented.

"Thank you," we said in unison.

"Ohhhhhh look at my handsome boys," Angela said when she saw the boys.



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"Mum, you saw us for thanksgiving," Nicolas said.

"Well, that was long ago," Angel said

"It was last month," Nicolas said.

"So you don't miss me," Angela pouted, and we chuckled at the mother and son bonding.

"I did," Nicolas said as he hugged his mom and greeted his dad.

"I am so proud of you son," John said.
"We did it together father," Nicolas said, and we all smiled

"It's almost time for the countdown," someone shouted, and we all assembled in the ballroom.

Then the countdown began

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1........ Happy New Year," everyone said in unison, but then I realized something strange, I was surrounded and everyone had their phones out. I turned around and was shocked by what I saw, I was in tears. My whole family held out a WILL. YOU. MARRY. ME. Sign and there was Nicolas on one knee, then he held out the ring and said "Kayla Antonia Argent, my t hee-second heartbeat....." he said and everyone laughed. "The moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew you were the one because you left me breathless and I found a reason to live again. A lot has happened, and we have faced it together, this is how I know that no matter the challenges we face, we will face them together. I ask you today on this beautiful New Year, Kayla Antonia Argent, will you Marry me?" Nicolas said.


She said YES!!!!

I am so happy, I definitely did not see this coming, but it was a beautiful proposal too

I am so happy for them, also Daniel has joined the family, who else is happy about this?

What do you think about this chapter?

Also, I am not the only one loving the outfits right? they all look gorgeous😍 

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