Chapter 6: Moving Forward

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Liam pulls into Cori's garage. He gets out, running around the vehicle to open her door. She walks into her home and heads for the TV room.

She sits on the sectional and pulls a blanket over her. Liam goes to sit beside her.

"Hey, do you still feel like some company?"

"Yeah, maybe you can start up the grill and stuff," Cori whispers. "I know I am fucked up, but please don't leave me. Everyone, I have ever loved has left me."

Liam's heart feels like it crumbling. "Rinne, I love you. I am here for better or worse. The only way I will leave you is if you tell me to go. Not in the heat of an argument either. I will only listen if you can look me in the eye and tell me that you honestly do not love me anymore. Do you understand, I am not leaving you, and I will do all I can to help you."

They hear the doorbell ring, Liam goes to answer it. The gang enters. Once inside Liam tells them that she is in the den and was about to show them back.

"Wait, Li. How is she?" Liv asks.

"Not good. She thinks this is all her fault. She thinks she is damaged. Can you help get her help? Liv, I have never seen that look in her eyes and I don't want to see it again. I will do whatever it takes, however it takes, but I need some help."

"Well, Li, that is the first step. I can give her some numbers to call. Just don't treat her like a china doll. If she breaks down, just be there. Kyra and I will go talk to her, how about you boys make yourselves useful and go char something." Liv smirks at Drake.

"Who are you and why are you looking at me?" Drake gruffs.

"Rinne did ask me to throw something on the girl." Liam chuckles. "Come on let's go say hello and then we are in the back yard."

The men went and said their hellos and gave hugs. Rinne was happy that they cared. She talked to Liv about what she could do. Corinne could press charges, file a restraining order, or both. Liv and Kyra both thought that she should see a therapist that specializes in sexual assault cases. She gave her a list and encouraged her to come. She also advises her to come to her self defense classes.

"I specialize in using daggers. Especially these," She pulls at the heel of her shoe revealing a thin dagger.

"How in the hell do you get through airport security?" Cori's eyes widen.

"I have a private jet kept in a private hanger. So I can wear whatever I want." Liv smiles.

Liam and Leon walk in bringing the ladies glasses of wine. " Bastiano called, he and Hana will be here shortly."

"Thanks, Li." Cori gets up and hugs him.

He hugs her back kissing her temple, "Are you feeling a little bit better?" he whispers so only she hears him.

"Yes, I am. Will you stay with me?" Cori whispers back.

"Of course. I had planned on it, even if I slept on the couch." Liam gives her a sweet kiss. "Come on Leon, let's get back to charring things."

Leo chuckles, kisses Liv quickly, and follows Liam out.

"How did you and Leo meet Liv?" Cori asks.

"Well, I actually grew up with them. I had the biggest crush on Liam for years." Liv could see Cori tense up when she admitted that. "Don't worry, Cori. I learned Liam was not the one for me. One, because although he is very easy on the eyes. I can't take to functions with all those damn tattoos. Though I like them, he doesn't say, I am the CEO of a multi-billion company. Two, he dated Amelia, I personally thought he had taken one too many blows to the head. Lastly, I just fell in love with Leo. We click. We balance each other out. Exactly like you and Liam." Liv pats Cori's hand. "That man is crazy about you. I have never seen him look at anyone the way he looks at you. He absolutely adores you. You could take a shit and he would swear it smell like a floral garden."

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