Chapter 4: Rough Framing

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"Well, now, your information is incorrect." Mathew smiles thinking he has the upper hand. You might be able to pull this off Mattie boy, just keep Rashad from finding out the truth about Corinne.

As if reading his thoughts the Anson brothers look at each other briefly; letting him enjoy his presumed triumph for a few more moments.

Look at him. So cocky, he really thinks he is going to fucking win. Liam thinks.

"Mr. Toussaint, how are you acquainted with these two gentlemen. Surely your clients don't associate likes of them. As you can see, I told you that Liam may not be a good fit for the gym. He is too, hotheaded, he got into a brawl with one of my more promising fighters."

"Well, my clients have done a very thorough check, and he is the fighter they want. Period. If he signs with another gym, the deal is off." Rashad knows this is a lie, but Liam and Leon have never steered him wrong.

Leon smirks, times up. "You are correct Mr. Chambers, I did misspeak, the majority owner was

Mitchell Bradley, he was Corinne's father, correct?" Leon says.

"Seriously, the daughter is here?" Rashad asks. "Sir you told us that you haven't been able to contact her. You signed a legal affidavit saying you could not contact her."

"Well,...." Mathew stammers.

"She is the young woman that showed you to the office." Liam cuts him off.

Rashad gets up and glares at Mathew. "I suggest you get your affairs in order. You have committed a fraud."

Liam looks back at Mathew. Sneering Mathew says, "Really, she has you pussy whipped after one night with her. She tried not to act like but she is the same as all the bitches her. Spreads like peanut butter. Good thing I got to her before all the others had their turn. I mean outside of Bas, Drake, and Max, I think she has fucked everything in here with a dick."

Leon can see that Liam is about to explode. "Liam, why don't you go to see if Rashad found Corrine alright."

Liam understanding what he was implying agrees, leaving the office as quickly as possible.

"Hello, Mr. Toussaint, are you needing something?" Corinne looks up from the IKEA catalog she just got.

"Umm, yes actually. I need to talk to you. Forgive my bluntness, but I need to know who is Mitchell Bradley to you?" Rasha asks. He could see from her reaction that what Leon and Liam suspected was true.

"Why? I thought the insurance money cleared all his debts." Corinne could feel her heart racing. Fuck, something else Mathew fail to do for her.

"I am sure you do not know this, but your father had bought majority ownership of this gym. Mr. Chambers has been trying to sell. You had no knowledge, did you?"

"You mean to tell me, that I have been working my ass off to make this gym a success and Mathew was selling it?" Corinne's body shaking as she tried to control her anger. "I live in a shack and am paid very little, except when I wear that degrading Ring Girl outfit. And he was trying to sell the gym, a guess MY gym from under me?"

"Miss Bradley, please sit down, I will try to fill you in. My clients will only buy if you sign off on the sale, but Mr. Chambers has claimed that he could never get in touch with you. You had 15 more days to come forward to claim your rights, or Mathew is free and clear to claim full ownership. After which he can sell to whomever he chooses. Another stipulation is that he signs an up and coming fighter, and prove that this gym can train a title winner." Rashad stops there, he can see that she is processing.

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