Chapter 18 ~~ You took your sweet time updating (Ivy)

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I've been stalling a little since  a) I learned that Wren/Sky/Ivy/Daffodil/Leaf/Violet woud be in book 14, and I don't want to get facts wrong.  b) I have homework. Looots of homework, now that I'm going virtual.  c) I'm a smidgen lazy...

 It's been about 3 months, so a recap of the story, (you can skip this part) Wren, Ivy, Sky, and Leaf (I have plans for the others) are looking for the golden dragon, (sunny) after she ran off with their treasure, and she's one dragon closer to peace between humans and scavengers, leaf gets swooped up by Winter, who he calls icicle, and is brought to Jade Mountian as Bandit.  There he meets Desert Moon, a night-sand hibrid, also daughter of Thrn and Stonemover, who told her that Thorn tried to kill her as an egg, forcing her to go into hiding, They bump into Winter because Desert oon has a Pink heart, making her able to read/speak all languages, (idea from the book "Sunny and the Pink heart" by CearsightMarella, yeah, don't worry it's not copyright we worked it out) and Leaf wanted to communicat with his captor, meanwhile Sky is captured b the indistructible city, Wren almost goes on a killing spree, flies on a different dragon to get to deathbringer (murderbasket) asking for help because 2 humans don't stand a chance against a citywith no escape, but he refuses ecause he has a fear of scavengers, and scavengers ho can capture a dragon does not sond like a walk in the part for him, so he gives them marukya, a rainwing who has a unique personalit, and they go off and rescue sky, and Ivy discoveres that her mom now workes as a "porqupine" soilder for the indistructable cit, that's where we left off. oop, and back to the mountain, Ostrige accidentally stabs Desert Moon while she's in  her hiding zone, with her tail barb. that's where we left off. 

that last paragraph, I haven't edited, so it might be confusing, with unnecessary commas or typos. BACK TO THE STORY!

Ivy rushed over to her mom and looked her in the eye, confusion, concern, and relief cascading through her In a wired way. "What happened?" she managed to whisper, forgetting the 2 dragons and hallway full of guards. 

"Your dad... wet through a mental breakdown after you stripped everything from him. Not only that, but the villagers want him to repay all those ears of lying, banishment, and the recent attempt of murder," Lark said quietly. She then continued to explain how some of the villagers wanted her to repay some too. they decided since she hadn't been directly a part of The Dragonslayer- or, rather, Ivy's dad's lies, that they would go ith simply her moving out of Valor, and never being able to spend a night in the tunnels. 

by the time Lark had stopped explaining, everyone in the room was silent, that is, until a guard burst into the room and yelled, "THE DRAGON IS FREE! AND THERE'S ANOTHER WITH HIM!" and chaos and screaming as some guards ran as far away as they could, and others hesitated before running towards the prison where Ivy and Sky were.  

sooo that one was short. I plan to update frequently now, though! 

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