"Hey, you're gonna hurt yourself," Karl pulled Sapnap's hand away from his forehead and wrapped his arms around Sapnap's waist, "What's wrong?"

"My dad's coming," He whispered.

"Yeah," Karl looked at Dream who was now approaching the kitchen. Sapnap looked as if he might faint and he wasn't 100% sure he wouldn't.

"Sapnap," Dream's voice grounded Sapnap for the time being and Sapnap allowed his worries to continue colliding with his thoughts while he spoke to his friends.

"My dad may or may not be homophobic," He grimaced, "I'm not sure, but it's highly probable and he's literally going to step into a home filled by three gay couples," The kitchen suddenly took on a very odd tension as the three exchanged glances.

"We can just not be all affectionate and shit for today," Dream finally broke through the silence, "We'll be fine."

"Yeah, but I don't want the whole trip to be ruined just because I have a shitty dad."

"It won't be," Karl rubbed circles into Sapnap's back, "We still have a week."

"What time is he coming, anyway?" Dream asked.

"Should be here around two, but he's almost always late," Sapnap laughed at his father's inability to be on time. It had gotten them into multiple messy situations, including a few detentions and being cut from his little league baseball team.

"Then we have time," George's voice startled the boys and they all twisted their heads to find George standing in the doorway, his hair a total mess, and his pajama pants were twisted at a weird angle. He looked like he had just been run over, "I've been here the whole time," He explained.

Eventually, everyone was up and about, attempting to make blueberry pancakes. Karl had attempted to take over, claiming he was the best cook out of all of them, but he still spilled milk all over the counter and dropped an egg on the floor.

By the time the pancakes were done, everyone's clothes had been completely ruined and they had a sink full of dishes to be washed. Obviously, the best thing for them to do was completely avoid their responsibilities and flop down on the couch to watch a movie and eat their "only slightly burnt" pancakes.

Nobody noticed as the hours ticked away and they most certainly didn't notice the front door click open, announcing a visitor they weren't aware existed.

"Sapnap?" A deep voice drew in the attention of all the boys, "What's going on?" Sapnap panicked, letting go of Karl's waist, but Karl was still pressed up against his chest. They were clearly cuddling whether he wanted to deny it or not.

"I-" Sapnap stammered, bringing a hand up the his neck, "Dad?"

"Sapnap," His dad's expression remained emotionless, making it extremely hard for Sapnap to calculate his next move, "Is this your boyfriend?"

"My what?" Sapnap had heard his dad loud and clear, but played dumb nonetheless.

"Your boyfriend," The man repeated, placing his jacket on the couch and walking over to them, "Is this your boyfriend?"

"Would that be a bad thing?" Sapnap shrunk in on himself, but kept a protective hand on Karl's thigh, reassuring both himself and Karl that they were fine. His dad still hovered over them, waiting for an answer.

"I don't know, Sapnap. What have you two been doing all week?" He asked, fixing his eyes where Sapnap's hand was resting.

"What do you mean?" Sapnap was more than confused, still mentally preparing himself for his father's scolding.

"Was it consensual?" Sapnap's expression immediately faltered, "Safe?" It was then he understood what his dad meant and his eyes blew wide.

"Oh, no no no no, nothing like that! He doesn't-" He swallowed, "We don't-" Sapnap cut himself off and sighed, "That's not something we're really- interested in doing."

"Oh," His dad straightened himself up to laugh and then held out his hand to Karl, "Well, nice to meet you..." His voice trailed off, expectantly.

"Karl," Karl reached out his hand and smiled, finally allowing himself to lean back into Sapnap's shoulder, "Nice to meet you as well, sir."

"Oh, you're Karl? Oh my gosh, my boy has gone on and on about you!" Sapnap looked away, embarrassed, "It's actually funny. My wife and I- we already kind of knew you two were a couple."

"Dad, we weren't dating until, like, a few days ago."

"Well," He started, but was interrupted by everyone in the room beginning to break out into laughter. They had been containing themselves fairly well until Dream's familiar wheeze sounded and it sent them all into a spiral of giggles.

"I should really be off," His dad said, standing up and reaching for his coat, "It was certainly a pleasure meeting you, Karl. Be good, Sapnap. We trust you," And with that, he was gone out the front door. Sapnao let out a sigh of relief.

"What the actual fuck was that?" Sapnap laughed again, this time more relieved.

"I don't know, but it ended surprisingly well," Karl smiled, lying his head back on Sapnap's chest. Sapnap could feel Karl smile against him, a warm sigh leaving his nose.

"Are we continuing the movie then?" Skeppy asked, picking up the remote. They all agreed and they continued watching whatever cheesy coming of age movie they were watching this time.

Sapnap eventually drifted off to sleep, a new feeling of safety and reassurance lulling him to rest.

Author's Note:

As I said, writer's block is a bitch. No more promises about updating, lmao.

Word count: 1,463

Honey Moon - KarlnapDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora