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"Robards is dead."

"What - what happened?" Draco asked, although he was sure he already knew the answer.

"They found him in his office this morning... Riddle's brand was painted on the floor in - in his blood."

The same brand that was tattooed on Draco's arm.

He shot to his feet and tore through the halls until he reached the bathroom, and proceeded to get violently sick. When he got to the point of dry heaving, he sat against the wall and sobbed until his throat was so raw he was sure it was bleeding.

Was Robards dead because of him? Was Riddle really going to these extremes to send him a message?

Harry entered the bathroom and sat beside Draco, bringing his knees to his chest. His entire body was shaking.

"I'm so sorry, Harry." Draco whispered. He couldn't bring himself to look at the broken man beside him.

"He was like a father to me." Harry croaked. "He was all I had left, really. My parents are gone, my godfather and his fucking husband..." He took a deep, shuddering breath before continuing. "I'm going to kill him. Riddle. I'm not going to let him take anyone else from me." He grabbed Draco's hand and squeezed it so tightly Draco worried his bones might turn to dust. "I'm not going to let him take you from me."

Draco started to cry even harder, something he didn't think was possible, and rested his head on Harry's shoulder.

The phone rang again.

"Ron, hey. - Okay, I'll be right there." Harry shakily stood up and pulled Draco to his feet. "Ron is here, with his fiancé."

They left the Manor and made their way down the long driveway to the front gates, where a black SUV identical to Harry's was parked. Draco punched in the security code and the gates swung open, allowing Ron to enter the property. The ginger rolled down the window, and Draco saw a young woman with a stunning chocolate complexion and wild, glossy dark curls sitting in the passenger seat.

"Malfoy, hi." Ron gave Draco a tight smile. "I'm sorry we're seeing each other again under these circumstances. This is my fiancé, Hermione."

Hermione leaned forward and weakly waved at Draco. "Hi, Draco."

He lifted his hand in an awkward wave.

"We'll meet you guys at the house." Harry said, nodding in the direction of the Manor.

"I'll walk with you!" Hermione said as she unbuckled her seatbelt and hopped out of the vehicle. She hugged Harry tightly with tears in her eyes. "I'm so happy you're okay." She whispered into his shoulder. "And Draco, God, I can't imagine what you're going through." She turned to Draco and pulled him into a fierce hug as well. "You're so brave."

Draco really didn't see what was brave about laying on the floor and crying for hours, but who was he to deny a compliment?

Ron drove off down the driveway, and Hermione looped her arms through Harry and Draco's.

"I'm sorry to have you dragged into this, 'Mione." Harry mumbled. "Just don't want anything to happen to you."

"Don't be sorry, Harry, I understand. Anyways, I want to help." Hermione replied in a strong and steady voice. "You and Ron need a logical person with you." She chuckled. "No offence, Draco." She added.

"None taken." Draco decided he quite liked her.

Ron was waiting for them at the front door, staring out at the expansive grounds.

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